편집 파일: touch_binary.phpt
--TEST-- Touch in binary mode --SKIPIF-- <?php $min_version = "1.4.8"; //TOUCH is added since 1.4.8 include dirname(__FILE__) . "/skipif.inc"; // The touch command in binary mode will work in libmemcached 1.0.16, but runs out the timeout clock // See https://github.com/php-memcached-dev/php-memcached/issues/310 for further explanation // The problem is fixed fully in libmemcached 1.0.18, so we'll focus tests on that version if (Memcached::LIBMEMCACHED_VERSION_HEX < 0x01000018) die ('skip too old libmemcached'); ?> --FILE-- <?php function resolve_to_constant ($code) { $refl = new ReflectionClass ('memcached'); $c = $refl->getConstants (); foreach ($c as $name => $value) { if (strpos ($name, 'RES_') === 0 && $value == $code) return $name; } } function status_print ($op, $mem, $expected) { $code = $mem->getResultcode(); if ($code == $expected) echo "${op} status code as expected" . PHP_EOL; else { $expected = resolve_to_constant ($expected); $code = resolve_to_constant ($code); echo "${op} status code mismatch, expected ${expected} but got ${code}" . PHP_EOL; } } include dirname (__FILE__) . '/config.inc'; $mem = memc_get_instance (array (Memcached::OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL => true)); $key = uniqid ('touch_t_'); $mem->get($key); status_print ('get', $mem, Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND); $mem->set ($key, 1); status_print ('set', $mem, Memcached::RES_SUCCESS); $mem->get($key); status_print ('get', $mem, Memcached::RES_SUCCESS); $mem->touch ($key, 10); status_print ('touch', $mem, Memcached::RES_SUCCESS); $mem->get($key); status_print ('get', $mem, Memcached::RES_SUCCESS); $mem->get($key); status_print ('get', $mem, Memcached::RES_SUCCESS); echo "OK\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- get status code as expected set status code as expected get status code as expected touch status code as expected get status code as expected get status code as expected OK