편집 파일: expire.phpt
--TEST-- Memcached store, fetch & touch expired key --SKIPIF-- <?php $min_version = "1.4.8"; include dirname(__FILE__) . "/skipif.inc"; if (!method_exists("memcached", "touch")) die ("skip memcached::touch is not available"); if (getenv("SKIP_SLOW_TESTS")) die('skip slow test'); ?> --FILE-- <?php include dirname (__FILE__) . '/config.inc'; function run_expiry_test ($m) { $key = uniqid ('will_expire_'); $set = $m->set($key, "foo", 2); $v = $m->get($key); if (!$set || $v != 'foo') { echo "Error setting key to \"foo\" with 2s expiry.\n"; return; } sleep(1); $res = $m->touch($key, 2); $v = $m->get($key); if(!$res || $v != 'foo') { echo "Error touching key for another 2s expiry.\n"; var_dump($res); var_dump($m->getResultMessage()); var_dump($v); return; } sleep(3); $v = $m->get($key); if ($v !== Memcached::GET_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE) { echo "Wanted:\n"; var_dump(Memcached::GET_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE); echo "from get of expired value. Got:\n"; var_dump($v); return; } echo "All OK" . PHP_EOL; } $m = memc_get_instance (array ( Memcached::OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL => true )); echo '-- binary protocol' . PHP_EOL; run_expiry_test ($m); $m = memc_get_instance (); echo '-- text protocol' . PHP_EOL; run_expiry_test ($m); echo "DONE TEST\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- -- binary protocol All OK -- text protocol All OK DONE TEST