편집 파일: igbinary_094.phpt
--TEST-- Test refusing to serialize/unserialize unserializable internal classes --INI-- error_reporting=E_ALL --SKIPIF-- <?php if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400) { echo "skip CURLFile serialization forbidden in php 7.4, test requires 7.4+\n"; } if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { echo "skip requires curl\n"; } ?> --FILE-- <?php // https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=81111 function check_serialize_throws($obj) { try { echo urlencode(igbinary_serialize($obj)), "\n"; } catch (Throwable $e) { echo "Caught: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } class Something extends CURLFile { public function __serialize() { return []; } public function __unserialize($value) { return new self('file'); } } check_serialize_throws(new CURLFile('file')); check_serialize_throws(new Something('file')); ?> --EXPECTF-- Caught: Serialization of 'CURLFile' is not allowed Caught: Serialization of 'Something' is not allowed