편집 파일: client021.phpt
--TEST-- client cookies --SKIPIF-- <?php include "skipif.inc"; skip_client_test(); if (0 === strpos(http\Client\Curl\Versions\CURL, "7.64.0") || 0 === strpos(http\Client\Curl\Versions\CURL, "7.88.1")) { die("skip - cookie handling broken or crashes with libcurl v" . http\Client\Curl\Versions\CURL ."\n"); } ?> --FILE-- <?php include "helper/server.inc"; echo "Test\n"; function dump() { global $tmpfile, $section; printf("# %s\n", $section); foreach (file($tmpfile) as $line) { if ($line[0] === "#" || $line === "\n") { continue; } printf("%s:\t%s", $tmpfile, $line); } } function send_and_check($client, $cmp) { global $section, $request; $client->requeue($request)->send(); foreach ($client->getResponse()->getCookies() as $list) { foreach ($list->getCookies() as $name => $value) { if ($cmp[$name] != $value) { printf("# %s\nExpected %s=%s, got %s\n", $section, $name, $cmp[$name], $value); } } } #dump(); } $tmpfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "cookie."); $request = new http\Client\Request("GET", "http://localhost"); $section = "distinct clients"; server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client; send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); }); server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client; send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); }); server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client; send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); }); $section = "reusing curl handles"; server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client("curl", "test"); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); }); server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client("curl", "test"); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 2]); }); server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client("curl", "test"); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 3]); }); $section = "distict client with persistent cookies"; $request->setOptions(array("cookiestore" => $tmpfile)); server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client; send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 2]); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 3]); }); server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client; send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 4]); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 5]); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 6]); }); $section = "distinct client with persistent cookies, but session cookies removed"; server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port, "cookiesession" => true)); $client = new http\Client; send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); }); $section = "distinct client with persistent cookies, and session cookies kept"; server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port, "cookiesession" => false)); $client = new http\Client; send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 2]); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 3]); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 4]); }); $section = "reusing curl handles without persistent cookies and disabling cookie_share"; $c = new http\Client("curl", "test"); $c->configure(array("share_cookies" => false)); $c = null; $request->setOptions(array("cookiestore" => null)); server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client("curl", "test"); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); }); server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client("curl", "test"); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); }); server("cookie.inc", function($port) use($request, $tmpfile) { $request->setOptions(array("port" => $port)); $client = new http\Client("curl", "test"); send_and_check($client, ["counter" => 1]); }); unlink($tmpfile); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECT-- Test ===DONE===