편집 파일: igbinary_040.phpt
--TEST-- b0rked random data test --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- <?php if(!extension_loaded('igbinary')) { dl('igbinary.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX); } function test() { $serialized = igbinary_serialize(null); $serialized = substr($serialized, 0, -1); $length = mt_rand(1, 255); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $serialized .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255)); } // if returned null everything is OK if (($unserialized = igbinary_unserialize($serialized)) === null) { return true; } error_reporting(E_ALL); // whole data is read? $reserialized = igbinary_serialize($unserialized); if ($serialized === $reserialized) { return true; } if (is_string($reserialized) && strlen($reserialized) < strlen($serialized) && strncmp($reserialized, $serialized, 0) === 0) { return true; } // igbinary should not unserialize an object for invalid data - if it does, print the unexpected value. echo bin2hex($serialized), "\n"; echo bin2hex($reserialized), "\n"; var_dump($unserialized); return false; } // Test that 100 deterministic random values don't unserialize as valid data mt_srand(0xface); for ($i = 0; $i < 100; ++$i) { error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); if (!test()) break; } // Test that igbinary_unserialize warns if extra data is added and fails (suppressed in the above checks) error_reporting(E_ALL); echo "After testing 100 random values\n"; $result = igbinary_unserialize(igbinary_serialize(true) . "\x00"); // Should deliberately return null if extra data was seen var_dump($result); ?> --EXPECTF-- After testing 100 random values Warning: igbinary_unserialize: received more data to unserialize than expected in %s on line 48 NULL