편집 파일: dummy_threading.cpython-33.pyo
� ��f� c @ sa d Z d d l m Z d d l Z d Z d Z d Z z� d e k rV e d Z d Z n e d e d <d e k r� e d Z d Z e d =n d e k r� e d Z d Z e d =n d d l Z e d e d <e d =e d e d <e d =d d l Td d l m Z Wd e re e d <[ n [ e r3e e d <[ n [ e rLe e d <[ n e d =[ [ [ Xd S( ua Faux ``threading`` version using ``dummy_thread`` instead of ``thread``. The module ``_dummy_threading`` is added to ``sys.modules`` in order to not have ``threading`` considered imported. Had ``threading`` been directly imported it would have made all subsequent imports succeed regardless of whether ``_thread`` was available which is not desired. i ( u modulesNu _threadu _dummy_threadu threadingu _threading_localu _dummy_threadingu _dummy__threading_local( u *( u __all__FT( u __doc__u sysu modulesu sys_modulesu _dummy_threadu Falseu holding_threadu holding_threadingu holding__threading_localu held_threadu Trueu held_threadingu held__threading_localu threadingu _dummy_threadingu __all__( ( ( u4 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/dummy_threading.pyu <module> sP