편집 파일: session_badconf_persistent.phpt
--TEST-- Session bad configurations, persistent --SKIPIF-- <?php include dirname(__FILE__) . "/skipif.inc"; if (!Memcached::HAVE_SESSION) print "skip"; ?> --INI-- session.save_handler = "memcached" session.save_path = "PERSISTENT=1 hello:11211,world:11211" --FILE-- <?php ob_start(); session_start(); session_write_close(); // In PHP < 7.2 this is a Fatal Error so the OK is not printed // echo "OK"; --EXPECTF-- Warning: session_start(): failed to parse session.save_path: PERSISTENT is replaced by memcached.sess_persistent = On in %s on line %d %s: session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module: memcached (path: PERSISTENT=1 %s) in %s on line %d