편집 파일: 046.phpt
--TEST-- hash strategies and functions --SKIPIF-- <?php include 'connect.inc'; if (!isset($host2)) die('skip $host2 not set'); ?> --FILE-- <?php include 'connect.inc'; $var1 = 'test1'; $var2 = 'test2'; $memcache1 = memcache_connect($host, $port); $memcache2 = memcache_pconnect($host2, $port2); foreach ($balanceKeys as $strategy => $functions) { foreach ($functions as $function => $keys) { ini_set('memcache.hash_strategy', $strategy); ini_set('memcache.hash_function', $function); list ($balanceKey1, $balanceKey2) = $keys; print "\n$strategy:$function\n"; $memcache = new Memcache(); $memcache->addServer($host, $port); $memcache->addServer($host2, $port2); $memcache1->set($balanceKey1, '', false, 2); $memcache1->set($balanceKey2, '', false, 2); $memcache2->set($balanceKey1, '', false, 2); $memcache2->set($balanceKey2, '', false, 2); $memcache->set($balanceKey1, $var1, false, 2); // hashes to $host2 $memcache->set($balanceKey2, $var2, false, 2); // hashes to $host1 $result4 = $memcache1->get($balanceKey1); // return false; key1 is at $host2 $result5 = $memcache1->get($balanceKey2); $result6 = $memcache2->get($balanceKey1); $result7 = $memcache2->get($balanceKey2); // return false; key2 is at $host1 var_dump($result4); var_dump($result5); var_dump($result6); var_dump($result7); } } ?> --EXPECT-- consistent:crc32 string(0) "" string(5) "test2" string(5) "test1" string(0) "" consistent:fnv string(0) "" string(5) "test2" string(5) "test1" string(0) "" standard:crc32 string(0) "" string(5) "test2" string(5) "test1" string(0) "" standard:fnv string(0) "" string(5) "test2" string(5) "test1" string(0) ""