편집 파일: bug63677.phpt
--TEST-- Test bug 63677 - getimagehistogram --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded('gmagick')) die('skip'); ?> --FILE-- <?php class Image { private $gmagick; private $layers; public function __construct(\Gmagick $gmagick) { $this->gmagick = $gmagick; $this->layers = new Layers($this, $this->gmagick); } public function __destruct() { if (null !== $this->gmagick && $this->gmagick instanceof \Gmagick) { $this->gmagick->clear(); $this->gmagick->destroy(); } } public function histogram() { return array_map( function(\GmagickPixel $pixel) { return new \stdClass(); }, $this->gmagick->getimagehistogram() ); } } class Layers { private $image; private $resource; public function __construct(Image $image, \Gmagick $resource) { $this->image = $image; $this->resource = $resource; } } for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { $image = new Image(new \Gmagick("magick:logo")); // the same fixture must beloaded twice to reprodcue the seg fault $image = new Image(new \Gmagick("magick:logo")); $image->histogram(); } echo "ok"; ?> --EXPECT-- ok