편집 파일: 019.solrclient_getdebug.phpt
--TEST-- SolrClient::getDebug() - Get request debug logs for the last request --SKIPIF-- <?php require_once 'skip.if.server_not_configured.inc'; ?> --FILE-- <?php require_once "bootstrap.inc"; $options = array ( 'hostname' => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME, 'login' => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME, 'password' => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD, 'port' => SOLR_SERVER_PORT, 'path' => SOLR_SERVER_PATH ); $client = new SolrClient($options); $response = $client->ping(); $debug = $client->getDebug(); $lines = explode("\n",$debug); $print = false; sort($lines); foreach ( $lines as $line) { if ($line == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' || FALSE !== strpos($line, 'Trying') || 0 === strpos($line, 'Mark bundle') || 0 === strpos($line, 'Server') || 0 === strpos($line, 'Hostname') || 0 === strpos($line, 'TCP_NODELAY') || 0 === strpos($line, 'Accept-Encoding') || 0 === strpos($line, 'Curl_http_done') || 0 === strpos($line, 'processing:') ) { $print = false; } else { $print = true; } if ($print) { echo $line . "\n"; } } ?> --EXPECTF-- Accept-Charset: utf-8 Accept: */* Authorization: Basic %s Connected to %s Connection #0 to host %s left intact Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8 HEAD /solr/collection1/admin/ping/?version=2.2&indent=on&wt=xml HTTP/1.1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Host: %s:%s Keep-Alive: 300 User-Agent: %s