편집 파일: 275_ImagickPixel_unitializedObjects.phpt
--TEST-- Testing ImagickPixel with unitialized pixel_wand --SKIPIF-- <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/skipif.inc'); requirePHP("5.6"); ?> --FILE-- <?php interface MockInterface {} class ImagickPixelMock extends \ImagickPixel implements MockInterface { protected $foo1; protected $foo2; protected $foo3; protected $foo4; } $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass('ImagickPixelMock'); $instance = $reflectionClass->newInstanceWithoutConstructor(); $methods = $reflectionClass->getMethods(); $methodsAndParams = array( 'clear' => [], 'destroy' => [], 'getColor' => [], 'getColorAsString' => [], 'getColorCount' => [], 'getColorQuantum' => [], 'getColorValue' => [Imagick::COLOR_BLUE], 'getColorValueQuantum' => [Imagick::COLOR_RED], 'getHSL' => [], 'getIndex' => [], 'isPixelSimilar' => ['red', 0.1], 'isPixelSimilarQuantum' => ['red', 100], 'isSimilar' => ['red', 0.1], 'setColor' => ['red'], 'setcolorcount' => [4], 'setColorValue' => [Imagick::COLOR_BLUE, 0.5], 'setColorValueQuantum' => [Imagick::COLOR_BLUE, 1], 'setHSL' => [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'setIndex' => [5], 'setcolorfrompixel' => [$instance], ); $testedMethods = array(); foreach ($methodsAndParams as $methodName => $params) { if ($reflectionClass->hasMethod($methodName) == false) { continue; } try { call_user_func_array([$instance, $methodName], $params); echo "failed to throw an exception.\n"; } catch (ImagickPixelException $ipe) { if (strpos($ipe->getMessage(), "Can not process empty ImagickPixel object") === false) { echo "Incorrect message: " . $ipe->getMessage() . "\n"; } } $testedMethods[] = strtolower($methodName); } // pretend we tested these. $testedMethods[] = '__construct'; $testedMethods[] = 'clone'; foreach ($methods as $method) { $allMethods[] = strtolower($method->getName()); } // Have we tested all but __construct $missedMethods = array_diff($allMethods, $testedMethods); if (count($missedMethods) !== 0) { echo "We didn't test all of the ImagickPixel methods\n"; var_dump($missedMethods); } echo "Ok" ?> --EXPECTF-- Ok