편집 파일: bug-49.phpt
--TEST-- Bug https://github.com/scoutapp/scout-apm-php-ext/issues/49 - only record arguments for fopen if it returns a resource --SKIPIF-- <?php if (!extension_loaded("scoutapm")) die("skip scoutapm extension required."); ?> --FILE-- <?php scoutapm_enable_instrumentation(true); // Note, in PHP 8 the warning changed from "failed to open stream" to "Failed to open stream" hence the %c var_dump(fopen('/this/file/should/not/exist', 'r')); var_dump(scoutapm_get_calls()); ?> --EXPECTF-- Warning: fopen(%s): %cailed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s bool(false) array(0) { }