편집 파일: 051.phpt
--TEST-- Stream wrapper relative path test --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded("rar")) die("skip"); --CLEAN-- <?php unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/temp/tmp.rar'); rmdir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/temp"); --FILE-- <?php mkdir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/temp"); chdir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/temp"); echo "Test relative to working dir:\n"; $stream = fopen("rar://" . '../latest_winrar.rar' . "#1.txt", "r"); var_dump(stream_get_contents($stream)); echo "\nTest with include path:\n"; copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/latest_winrar.rar', dirname(__FILE__) . '/temp/tmp.rar'); chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); //now with include echo "Should fail (not in include):\n"; $stream = fopen("rar://" . 'tmp.rar' . "#1.txt", "r"); echo "\nShould fail (include unused):\n"; set_include_path(dirname(__FILE__). '/temp'); $stream = fopen("rar://" . 'tmp.rar' . "#1.txt", "r"); echo "\nShould succeed:\n"; $stream = fopen("rar://" . 'tmp.rar' . "#1.txt", "r", true); var_dump(stream_get_contents($stream)); echo "Done.\n"; --EXPECTF-- Test relative to working dir: string(5) "11111" Test with include path: Should fail (not in include): Warning: fopen(rar://tmp.rar#1.txt): %cailed to open stream: Error opening RAR archive %stmp.rar: ERAR_EOPEN (file open error) in %s on line %d Should fail (include unused): Warning: fopen(rar://tmp.rar#1.txt): %cailed to open stream: Error opening RAR archive %stmp.rar: ERAR_EOPEN (file open error) in %s on line %d Should succeed: string(5) "11111" Done.