편집 파일: yaml_parse_001.phpt
--TEST-- yaml_parse - general --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded('yaml')) die('skip yaml n/a'); ?> --INI-- yaml.decode_timestamp=1 date.timezone=GMT --FILE-- <?php var_dump(yaml_parse(' --- !<tag:clarkevans.com,2002:invoice> invoice: 34843 date : 2001-01-23 bill-to: &id001 given : Chris family : Dumars address: lines: | 458 Walkman Dr. Suite #292 city : Royal Oak state : MI postal : 48046 ship-to: *id001 product: - sku : BL394D quantity : 4 description : Basketball price : 450.00 - sku : BL4438H quantity : 1 description : Super Hoop price : 2392.00 tax : 251.42 total: 4443.52 comments: Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338. ')); var_dump(yaml_parse(' --- Time: 2001-11-23 15:01:42 -5 User: ed Warning: This is an error message for the log file --- Time: 2001-11-23 15:02:31 -5 User: ed Warning: A slightly different error message. --- Date: 2001-11-23 15:03:17 -5 User: ed Fatal: Unknown variable "bar" Stack: - file: TopClass.py line: 23 code: | x = MoreObject("345\n") - file: MoreClass.py line: 58 code: |- foo = bar ', -1)); ?> --EXPECT-- array(8) { ["invoice"]=> int(34843) ["date"]=> int(980208000) ["bill-to"]=> &array(3) { ["given"]=> string(5) "Chris" ["family"]=> string(6) "Dumars" ["address"]=> array(4) { ["lines"]=> string(27) "458 Walkman Dr. Suite #292 " ["city"]=> string(9) "Royal Oak" ["state"]=> string(2) "MI" ["postal"]=> int(48046) } } ["ship-to"]=> &array(3) { ["given"]=> string(5) "Chris" ["family"]=> string(6) "Dumars" ["address"]=> array(4) { ["lines"]=> string(27) "458 Walkman Dr. Suite #292 " ["city"]=> string(9) "Royal Oak" ["state"]=> string(2) "MI" ["postal"]=> int(48046) } } ["product"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(4) { ["sku"]=> string(6) "BL394D" ["quantity"]=> int(4) ["description"]=> string(10) "Basketball" ["price"]=> float(450) } [1]=> array(4) { ["sku"]=> string(7) "BL4438H" ["quantity"]=> int(1) ["description"]=> string(10) "Super Hoop" ["price"]=> float(2392) } } ["tax"]=> float(251.42) ["total"]=> float(4443.52) ["comments"]=> string(68) "Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338." } array(3) { [0]=> array(3) { ["Time"]=> int(1006545702) ["User"]=> string(2) "ed" ["Warning"]=> string(41) "This is an error message for the log file" } [1]=> array(3) { ["Time"]=> int(1006545751) ["User"]=> string(2) "ed" ["Warning"]=> string(35) "A slightly different error message." } [2]=> array(4) { ["Date"]=> int(1006545797) ["User"]=> string(2) "ed" ["Fatal"]=> string(22) "Unknown variable "bar"" ["Stack"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(11) "TopClass.py" ["line"]=> int(23) ["code"]=> string(24) "x = MoreObject("345\n") " } [1]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(12) "MoreClass.py" ["line"]=> int(58) ["code"]=> string(9) "foo = bar" } } } }