편집 파일: 066.phpt
--TEST-- RarEntry::extract() (file level password) --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded("rar")) print "skip"; ?> --CLEAN-- @unlink(dirname(__FILE__).'/extract_temp'); --FILE-- <?php $dest = dirname(__FILE__).'/extract_temp'; echo "--> should fail (no password):\n"; $rar_file1 = rar_open(dirname(__FILE__).'/encrypted_only_files.rar'); $entries = rar_list($rar_file1); var_dump(count($entries)); var_dump($entries[0]->extract(false, $dest)); echo "\n"; echo "--> success (password is the same as the one given on rar_open):\n"; $rar_file2 = rar_open(dirname(__FILE__).'/encrypted_only_files.rar', 'samplepassword'); $entries = rar_list($rar_file2); var_dump($entries[0]->extract(false, $dest)); echo file_get_contents($dest); unlink($dest); echo "\n\n"; echo "--> should fail (password of 2nd file different from the one given on rar_open):\n"; var_dump($entries[1]->extract(false, $dest)); echo "\n\n"; echo "--> should give correct data (password of 2nd file is specified):\n"; var_dump($entries[1]->extract(false, $dest, 'samplepassword2')); echo file_get_contents($dest); unlink($dest); echo "\n\n"; echo "Done\n"; --EXPECTF-- --> should fail (no password): int(2) Warning: RarEntry::extract(): ERAR_MISSING_PASSWORD (password needed but not specified) in %s on line %d bool(false) --> success (password is the same as the one given on rar_open): bool(true) Encrypted file 1 contents. --> should fail (password of 2nd file different from the one given on rar_open): Warning: RarEntry::extract(): ERAR_BAD_DATA in %s on line %d bool(false) --> should give correct data (password of 2nd file is specified): bool(true) Encrypted file 1 contents. Done