편집 파일: 005.phpt
--TEST-- rar_comment_get() function --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded("rar")) print "skip"; ?> --FILE-- <?php $rar_file1 = rar_open(dirname(__FILE__).'/commented.rar'); var_export(rar_comment_get($rar_file1)); echo "\n"; var_export(rar_comment_get($rar_file1)); echo "\n"; var_export($rar_file1->getComment()); echo "\n"; $rar_file2 = rar_open(dirname(__FILE__).'/linux_rar.rar'); var_export(rar_comment_get($rar_file2)); echo "\n"; rar_close($rar_file2); var_export(rar_comment_get($rar_file2)); echo "\n"; echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- 'This is the comment of the file commented.rar.' 'This is the comment of the file commented.rar.' 'This is the comment of the file commented.rar.' NULL Warning: rar_comment_get(): The archive is already closed in %s on line %d false Done