편집 파일: query-ctor-004.phpt
--TEST-- MongoDB\Driver\Query construction with options overriding modifiers --FILE-- <?php var_dump(new MongoDB\Driver\Query( ['x' => 1], [ 'comment' => 'foo', 'max' => ['y' => 100], 'maxScan' => 50, 'maxTimeMS' => 1000, 'min' => ['y' => 1], 'returnKey' => false, 'showRecordId' => false, 'sort' => ['y' => -1], 'snapshot' => false, 'modifiers' => [ '$comment' => 'bar', '$max' => ['y' => 200], '$maxScan' => 60, '$maxTimeMS' => 2000, '$min' => ['y' => 101], '$orderby' => ['y' => 1], '$returnKey' => true, '$showDiskLoc' => true, '$snapshot' => true, ], ] )); var_dump(new MongoDB\Driver\Query( ['x' => 1], [ 'hint' => 'y_1', 'modifiers' => ['$hint' => 'x_1'], ] )); var_dump(new MongoDB\Driver\Query( ['x' => 1], [ 'hint' => ['y' => 1], 'modifiers' => ['$hint' => ['x' => 1]], ] )); ?> ===DONE=== <?php exit(0); ?> --EXPECTF-- Deprecated: MongoDB\Driver\Query::__construct(): The "maxScan" option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release in %s on line %d Deprecated: MongoDB\Driver\Query::__construct(): The "snapshot" option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release in %s on line %d object(MongoDB\Driver\Query)#%d (%d) { ["filter"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["x"]=> int(1) } ["options"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["comment"]=> string(3) "foo" ["max"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["y"]=> int(100) } ["maxScan"]=> int(50) ["maxTimeMS"]=> int(1000) ["min"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["y"]=> int(1) } ["returnKey"]=> bool(false) ["showRecordId"]=> bool(false) ["sort"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["y"]=> int(-1) } ["snapshot"]=> bool(false) } ["readConcern"]=> NULL } object(MongoDB\Driver\Query)#%d (%d) { ["filter"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["x"]=> int(1) } ["options"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["hint"]=> string(3) "y_1" } ["readConcern"]=> NULL } object(MongoDB\Driver\Query)#%d (%d) { ["filter"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["x"]=> int(1) } ["options"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["hint"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["y"]=> int(1) } } ["readConcern"]=> NULL } ===DONE===