편집 파일: session_lock.phpt
--TEST-- Session lock --SKIPIF-- <?php include dirname(__FILE__) . "/skipif.inc"; if (!Memcached::HAVE_SESSION) print "skip"; if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70100) print "skip"; ?> --INI-- memcached.sess_locking = true memcached.sess_lock_wait_min = 500 memcached.sess_lock_wait_max = 1000 memcached.sess_lock_retries = 3 memcached.sess_prefix = "memc.test." # Turn off binary protocol while the test matrix has older versions of # libmemcached for which the extension warns of a broken touch command. memcached.sess_binary_protocol = Off session.save_handler = memcached --FILE-- <?php include dirname (__FILE__) . '/config.inc'; $m = new Memcached(); $m->addServer(MEMC_SERVER_HOST, MEMC_SERVER_PORT); ob_start(); ini_set ('session.save_path', MEMC_SERVER_HOST . ':' . MEMC_SERVER_PORT); session_start(); $session_id = session_id(); $_SESSION["test"] = "hello"; session_write_close(); session_start(); var_dump ($m->get ('memc.test.' . session_id())); var_dump ($m->get ('memc.test.lock.' . session_id())); session_write_close(); var_dump ($m->get ('memc.test.lock.' . session_id())); // Test lock min / max $m->set ('memc.test.lock.' . $session_id, '1'); $time_start = microtime(true); session_start(); $time = microtime(true) - $time_start; if (round ($time, 1) != 2.5) { echo "Waited longer than expected: $time" . PHP_EOL; } echo "OK"; --EXPECTF-- string(17) "test|s:5:"hello";" string(1) "1" bool(false) Warning: session_start(): Unable to clear session lock record in %s on line %d OK