편집 파일: igbinary_067.phpt
--TEST-- Test serializing multiple reference groups to the same empty array --SKIPIF-- <?php if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { echo "skip requires json_encode\n"; } ?> --FILE-- <?php function dump($array) { echo count($array) . " values\n"; foreach ($array as $k => $value) { echo "$k: " . json_encode($value) . "\n"; } } function main() { $a = array(); $b = $a; $c = $a; $value = array(&$b, $a, &$b, &$c, &$c); $ser = igbinary_serialize($value); echo bin2hex($ser) . "\n"; $v = igbinary_unserialize($ser); dump($v); $v[0][] = 2; dump($v); $v[3][] = 3; dump($v); var_export($a); } main(); ?> --EXPECT-- 000000021405060025140006011400060225010106032514000604250103 5 values 0: [] 1: [] 2: [] 3: [] 4: [] 5 values 0: [2] 1: [] 2: [2] 3: [] 4: [] 5 values 0: [2] 1: [] 2: [2] 3: [3] 4: [3] array ( )