편집 파일: igbinary_062.phpt
--TEST-- igbinary should not call __wakeup() if Serializable::unserialize was used to unserialize the object data (like `unserialize`) --INI-- ; Note that php 8.1 deprecates using Serializable without __serialize/__unserialize but we are testing Serialize for igbinary. Suppress deprecations. error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED --FILE-- <?php class A implements Serializable { public $prop = 'value'; public function serialize() { echo "In serialize " . $this->prop . "\n"; return $this->prop; } public function unserialize($data) { echo "In unserialize $data\n"; $this->prop = $data; } public function __wakeup() { echo "In __wakeup, unexpectedly\n"; } } function testA() { $a = new A(); $a->prop = 'other'; $ser = serialize($a); $b = unserialize($ser); var_dump($b); $c = new A(); $c->prop = 'igprop'; $serC = igbinary_serialize($c); echo bin2hex($serC) . "\n"; $d = igbinary_unserialize($serC); var_dump($d); } testA(); ?> --EXPECTF-- In serialize other In unserialize other object(A)#%d (1) { ["prop"]=> string(5) "other" } In serialize igprop 000000021701411d06696770726f70 In unserialize igprop object(A)#%d (1) { ["prop"]=> string(6) "igprop" }