편집 파일: 098.phpt
--TEST-- PECL bug #18449 (Extraction of uncompressed and encrypted files fails; stream variant) --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded("rar")) print "skip"; ?> --CLEAN-- <?php @unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/base.css'); @unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/reset.css'); --FILE-- <?php $rar = rar_open(dirname(__FILE__) . '/secret-none.rar', 'secret'); foreach ($rar as $rar_file) { var_dump(strlen(stream_get_contents($rar_file->getStream()))); } echo "\nDone.\n"; --EXPECTF-- Warning: stream_get_contents(): The file size is supposed to be 2279 bytes, but we read more: 2288 bytes (corruption/wrong pwd) in %s on line %d int(2288) Warning: stream_get_contents(): The file size is supposed to be 1316 bytes, but we read more: 1328 bytes (corruption/wrong pwd) in %s on line %d int(1328) Done.