편집 파일: 079.phpt
--TEST-- RarArchive count elements handler test --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded("rar")) print "skip"; ?> --FILE-- <?php $f = dirname(__FILE__) . "/dirs_and_extra_headers.rar"; $fempty = dirname(__FILE__) . "/garbage.part03.rar"; echo "* Normal test:\n"; $a = RarArchive::open($f); echo "Count: " . count($a) . "\n"; echo "\n* Closed file test (1):\n"; $a = RarArchive::open($f); $a->close(); var_dump(count($a)); echo "\n* Closed file test (2):\n"; $a = RarArchive::open($f); $a->getEntries(); $a->close(); var_dump(count($a)); echo "\n* Closed file test (3, exceptions):\n"; $a = RarArchive::open($f); RarException::setUsingExceptions(true); $a->getEntries(); $a->close(); try { var_dump(count($a)); } catch (RarException $e) { echo "OK, threw exception with message \"".$e->getMessage()."\"\n"; } RarException::setUsingExceptions(false); echo "\n* Empty file:\n"; $a = RarArchive::open($fempty); echo "Count: " . count($a) . "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Done.\n"; --EXPECTF-- * Normal test: Count: 13 * Closed file test (1): Warning: %s(): The archive is already closed in %s on line %d int(0) * Closed file test (2): Warning: %s(): The archive is already closed in %s on line %d int(0) * Closed file test (3, exceptions): OK, threw exception with message "The archive is already closed" * Empty file: Count: 0 Done.