편집 파일: 046.phpt
--TEST-- RarEntry::getStream() function (broken set fixed with volume callback) --SKIPIF-- <?php if(!extension_loaded("rar")) print "skip"; ?> --FILE-- <?php function resolve($vol) { if (preg_match('/_broken/', $vol)) return str_replace('_broken', '', $vol); else return null; } function int32_to_hex($value) { $value &= 0xffffffff; return str_pad(strtoupper(dechex($value)), 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } $rar_file1 = rar_open(dirname(__FILE__).'/multi_broken.part1.rar', null, 'resolve'); foreach ($rar_file1 as $e) { $stream = $e->getStream(); echo $e->getName().": "; $a = ""; while (is_resource($stream) && !feof($stream)) { $a .= fread($stream, 8192); } echo strlen($a)." bytes, CRC "; echo int32_to_hex(crc32($a))."\n\n"; //you can confirm they're equal to those given by $e->getCrc() } echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- file1.txt: 18 bytes, CRC 52B28202 file2.txt: 17704 bytes, CRC F2C79881 file3.txt: 18 bytes, CRC BCBCE32E Done