편집 파일: 140.phpt
--TEST-- Null byte key position while unpacking objects --SKIPIF-- <?php if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0') < 0) { echo "skip tests in PHP 5.2 or newer"; } --FILE-- <?php if(!extension_loaded('msgpack')) { dl('msgpack.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX); } function test($type, $array) { $stdClass = hex2bin('c0a8737464436c617373'); // "\0" => 'stdClass' $placeholder = hex2bin('a178a178'); // 'x' => 'x' $serialized = msgpack_pack($array); $serialized = str_replace($placeholder, $stdClass, $serialized); $unserialized = msgpack_unpack($serialized); var_dump($unserialized); unset($array['x']); echo $unserialized == (object) $array ? 'OK' : 'ERROR', PHP_EOL; } $array = array('x' => 'x', 'foo' => 1); test('single property, key at the beginning', $array); $array = array('foo' => 1, 'x' => 'x'); test('single property, key at the end', $array); $array = array('x' => 'x', 'foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2); test('multiple properties, key at the beginning', $array); $array = array('foo' => 1, 'x' => 'x', 'bar' => 2); test('multiple properties, key in the middle', $array); $array = array('foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2, 'x' => 'x'); test('multiple properties, key at the end', $array); $array = array('null' => null, 'x' => 'x'); test('null, key at the end', $array); $array = array('int' => 1, 'x' => 'x'); test('int, key at the end', $array); $array = array('float' => 4.2, 'x' => 'x'); test('float, key at the end', $array); $array = array('string' => 'str', 'x' => 'x'); test('string, key at the end', $array); $array = array('array' => array(42), 'x' => 'x'); test('array, key at the end', $array); class Foo { public $a = null; } $obj = new Foo(); $array = array('object' => $obj, 'x' => 'x'); test('object, key at the end', $array); --EXPECTF-- object(stdClass)#%d (1) { ["foo"]=> int(1) } OK object(stdClass)#%d (1) { ["foo"]=> int(1) } OK object(stdClass)#%d (2) { ["foo"]=> int(1) ["bar"]=> int(2) } OK object(stdClass)#%d (2) { ["foo"]=> int(1) ["bar"]=> int(2) } OK object(stdClass)#%d (2) { ["foo"]=> int(1) ["bar"]=> int(2) } OK object(stdClass)#%d (1) { ["null"]=> NULL } OK object(stdClass)#%d (1) { ["int"]=> int(1) } OK object(stdClass)#%d (1) { ["float"]=> float(4.2) } OK object(stdClass)#%d (1) { ["string"]=> string(3) "str" } OK object(stdClass)#%d (1) { ["array"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(42) } } OK object(stdClass)#%d (1) { ["object"]=> object(Foo)#%d (1) { ["a"]=> NULL } } OK