편집 파일: igbinary_023.phpt
--TEST-- Resource --SKIPIF-- <?php if (!extension_loaded("igbinary")) print "skip extension not loaded\n"; --FILE-- <?php function test($type, $variable, $test) { $serialized = igbinary_serialize($variable); $unserialized = igbinary_unserialize($serialized); echo $type, "\n"; echo substr(bin2hex($serialized), 8), "\n"; echo $test || $unserialized === null ? 'OK' : 'FAIL'; echo "\n"; } $res = tmpfile(); test('resource', $res, false); fclose($res); test('resource', $res, false); --EXPECTF-- Deprecated: igbinary_serialize(): Cannot serialize resource(stream) and resources may be converted to objects that cannot be serialized in future php releases. Serializing the value as null instead in %sigbinary_023.php on line 4 resource 00 OK Deprecated: igbinary_serialize(): Cannot serialize resource(Unknown) and resources may be converted to objects that cannot be serialized in future php releases. Serializing the value as null instead in %sigbinary_023.php on line 4 resource 00 OK