편집 파일: igbinary_009b_php8.phpt
--TEST-- Check for reference serialization in php 8 (Original example, not using var_dump) --SKIPIF-- <?php if (!extension_loaded('igbinary')) { echo "skip no igbinary"; } if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 8) { echo "skip requires php 8.0+\n"; } --INI-- pcre.jit=0 --FILE-- <?php error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); // Verify that $type[0] is the same zval as $type[0][0][0], but different from $type[0] function test_cyclic2($type, $variable) { $serialized = igbinary_serialize($variable); $unserialized = igbinary_unserialize($serialized); echo $type, "\n"; echo substr(bin2hex($serialized), 8), "\n"; // Can't use === or == on two recursive arrays in some cases echo array_keys($unserialized) === array_keys($variable) && array_keys($unserialized[0]) === array_keys($variable[0]) ? 'OK' : 'ERROR', "\n"; ob_start(); var_dump($variable); $dump_exp = ob_get_clean(); ob_start(); var_dump($unserialized); $dump_act = ob_get_clean(); if (preg_replace('/&array/', 'array', $dump_act) !== preg_replace('/&array/', 'array', $dump_exp)) { echo "But var dump differs:\nActual:\n", $dump_act, "\nExpected\n", $dump_exp, "\n"; echo "(Was normalized)\n"; } if (!isset($unserialized[0]) || count($unserialized) != 1) { printf("Unexpected keys: %s\n", array_keys($unserialized)); return; } else if (!is_array($unserialized)) { printf("\$a[0] is not an array, it is %s", gettype($unserialized)); return; } // Set a key, check for the presence of the key 2 levels deeper (Should find it) and 1 level deeper (Should not find it) $unserialized[0]['test'] = 'foo'; if ($unserialized[0][0][0]['test'] !== 'foo') { echo "Expected the unserialized array to be cyclic\n"; } if (isset($unserialized[0][0]['test'])) { echo "Expected the unserialized array to be cyclic AND of cycle depth 2, but cycle depth is 1\n"; } } $a = [null]; $b = [&$a]; $a[0] = &$b; // 1401060025140106002514010600250101 could also be serialized as 14010600251401060014010600250101 if we normalized the references which only occurred once in the serialization // (Replace middle &array(&$a) with array(&$array), i.e. second 2514 with 14) test_cyclic2('cyclic $a = array(&array(&$a)) - testing functionality', $a); unset($a); $a = null; $a = [[&$a]]; test_cyclic2('cyclic $a = array(array(&$a)); $a[0] - testing functionality', $a[0]); // $a serializes as 140106001401060025140106000101 - This is a bug, probably exists in php5 as well. --EXPECT-- cyclic $a = array(&array(&$a)) - testing functionality 1401060025140106002514010600250101 OK But var dump differs: Actual: array(1) { [0]=> &array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { [0]=> *RECURSION* } } } Expected array(1) { [0]=> &array(1) { [0]=> *RECURSION* } } (Was normalized) cyclic $a = array(array(&$a)); $a[0] - testing functionality 14010600251401060014010600250101 OK But var dump differs: Actual: array(1) { [0]=> &array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { [0]=> *RECURSION* } } } Expected array(1) { [0]=> &array(1) { [0]=> *RECURSION* } } (Was normalized)