편집 파일: __serialize_016.phpt
--TEST-- __serialize() mechanism (016): Properties are still typed after unserialization (references) --SKIPIF-- <?php if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400) { echo "skip __serialize/__unserialize not supported in php < 7.4 for compatibility with serialize()"; } if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) { echo "skip different error message format"; } ?> --FILE-- <?php declare(strict_types=1); class Test { public int $i = 0; public ?string $s = 's'; public object $o; public stdClass $stdClass; public array $a = []; } $t = new Test(); $t->i = 1; $t->s = 'other'; $t->o = $t; $t->std = (object)['key' => 'value']; $t->a = [&$t->std, &$t->i, &$t->s, &$t->o]; $t->std->key = &$t->a; var_dump($t); var_dump(bin2hex($s = igbinary_serialize($t))); $t2 = igbinary_unserialize($s); var_dump($t2); try { $t2->i = 'x'; } catch (Error $e) { echo "i: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } $t2->s = null; try { $t2->s = false; } catch (Error $e) { echo "s: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } $t2->s = 'other'; try { $t2->o = null; } catch (Error $e) { echo "o: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } try { $t2->a = null; } catch (Error $e) { echo "a: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } try { $t2->stdClass = $t; } catch (Error $e) { echo "stdClass: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } try { $t2->a = $t2; } catch (Error $e) { echo "a: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } var_dump($t2); --EXPECT-- object(Test)#1 (5) { ["i"]=> &int(1) ["s"]=> &string(5) "other" ["o"]=> *RECURSION* ["stdClass"]=> uninitialized(stdClass) ["a"]=> &array(4) { [0]=> &object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["key"]=> *RECURSION* } [1]=> &int(1) [2]=> &string(5) "other" [3]=> *RECURSION* } ["std"]=> &object(stdClass)#2 (1) { ["key"]=> &array(4) { [0]=> *RECURSION* [1]=> &int(1) [2]=> &string(5) "other" [3]=> *RECURSION* } } } string(176) "0000000217045465737414061101692506011101732511056f7468657211016f252200001101612514040600251708737464436c617373140111036b65792501030601250101060225010206032522001103737464252204" object(Test)#3 (5) { ["i"]=> &int(1) ["s"]=> &string(5) "other" ["o"]=> *RECURSION* ["stdClass"]=> uninitialized(stdClass) ["a"]=> &array(4) { [0]=> &object(stdClass)#4 (1) { ["key"]=> *RECURSION* } [1]=> &int(1) [2]=> &string(5) "other" [3]=> *RECURSION* } ["std"]=> &object(stdClass)#4 (1) { ["key"]=> &array(4) { [0]=> *RECURSION* [1]=> &int(1) [2]=> &string(5) "other" [3]=> *RECURSION* } } } i: Typed property Test::$i must be int, string used s: Typed property Test::$s must be string or null, bool used o: Typed property Test::$o must be object, null used a: Typed property Test::$a must be array, null used stdClass: Typed property Test::$stdClass must be an instance of stdClass, Test used a: Typed property Test::$a must be array, Test used object(Test)#3 (5) { ["i"]=> &int(1) ["s"]=> &string(5) "other" ["o"]=> *RECURSION* ["stdClass"]=> uninitialized(stdClass) ["a"]=> &array(4) { [0]=> &object(stdClass)#4 (1) { ["key"]=> *RECURSION* } [1]=> &int(1) [2]=> &string(5) "other" [3]=> *RECURSION* } ["std"]=> &object(stdClass)#4 (1) { ["key"]=> &array(4) { [0]=> *RECURSION* [1]=> &int(1) [2]=> &string(5) "other" [3]=> *RECURSION* } } }