편집 파일: info002.phpt
--TEST-- invalid HTTP info --SKIPIF-- <?php include "skipif.inc"; ?> --INI-- zend.exception_ignore_args=off --FILE-- <?php echo "Test\n"; function trap($cb) { try { $cb(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e,"\n"; } } trap(function() { echo new http\Message("HTTP/1.1 99 Apples in my Basket"); }); trap(function() { echo new http\Message("CONNECT HTTP/1.1"); }); echo new http\Message("HTTP/1.1"); echo new http\Message("CONNECT www.example.org:80 HTTP/1.1"); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- Test http\Exception\BadMessageException: http\Message::__construct(): Failed to parse headers: unexpected character '\057' at pos 4 of 'HTTP/1.1 99 Apples in my Basket' in %sinfo002.php:%d Stack trace: #0 %sinfo002.php(%d): http\Message->__construct('HTTP/1.1 99 App...') #1 %sinfo002.php(%d): {closure}() #2 %sinfo002.php(%d): trap(Object(Closure)) #3 {main} http\Exception\BadMessageException: http\Message::__construct(): Failed to parse headers: unexpected character '\040' at pos 7 of 'CONNECT HTTP/1.1' in %sinfo002.php:%d Stack trace: #0 %sinfo002.php(%d): http\Message->__construct('CONNECT HTTP/1....') #1 %sinfo002.php(%d): {closure}() #2 %sinfo002.php(%d): trap(Object(Closure)) #3 {main} HTTP/1.1 200 CONNECT www.example.org:80 HTTP/1.1 ===DONE===