편집 파일: skip.cpython-38.pyc
U )�e^ � @ s� d Z ddlmZmZ zddlmZ W nJ ek rn zddlmZ W n$ ek rh G dd� de�ZY nX Y nX G dd� de�Z dS ) a^ This plugin installs a SKIP error class for the SkipTest exception. When SkipTest is raised, the exception will be logged in the skipped attribute of the result, 'S' or 'SKIP' (verbose) will be output, and the exception will not be counted as an error or failure. This plugin is enabled by default but may be disabled with the ``--no-skip`` option. � )� ErrorClass�ErrorClassPlugin)�SkipTestc @ s e Zd ZdZdS )r z<Raise this exception to mark a test as skipped. N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__� r r �?/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nose/plugins/skip.pyr s r c @ s2 e Zd ZdZdZeeddd�Zdd� Zdd � Z d S )�Skipa" Plugin that installs a SKIP error class for the SkipTest exception. When SkipTest is raised, the exception will be logged in the skipped attribute of the result, 'S' or 'SKIP' (verbose) will be output, and the exception will not be counted as an error or failure. TZSKIPF)�labelZ isfailurec C s$ d}|j ddd|�|d�dd� dS ) z1 Add my options to command line. ZNOSE_WITHOUT_SKIPz --no-skip� store_true�noSkipFz0Disable special handling of SkipTest exceptions.)�action�dest�default�helpN)� add_option�get)�self�parser�envZenv_optr r r �options+ s �zSkip.optionsc C s* | j s dS || _t|dd�}|r&d| _dS )zF Configure plugin. Skip plugin is enabled by default. Nr F)Z can_configure�conf�getattr�enabled)r r r �disabler r r � configure5 s zSkip.configureN) r r r r r r r Zskippedr r r r r r r s � r N) r Znose.plugins.errorclassr r Z unittest.caser �ImportErrorZunittest2.case� Exceptionr r r r r �<module> s