WHAT IT IS It's a tool for automatically creating the basic framework for a PHP extension. HOW TO USE IT Very simple. First, change to the ext/ directory of the PHP sources. Then run the following php ext_skel.php --ext extension_name and everything you need will be placed in directory ext/extension_name. If you don't need to test the existence of any external header files, libraries or functions in them, the extension is ready to be compiled in PHP. To compile the extension, run the following: ./buildconf; ./configure --enable-extension_name; make The definition of PHP_extension_NAME_VERSION will be present in the php_extension_name.h and injected into the zend_extension_entry definition. This is required by the PECL website for the version string conformity checks against package.xml SOURCE AND HEADER FILE NAME The ext_skel.php script generates 'extension_name.c' and 'php_extension_name.h' as the main source and header files. Keep these names. extension functions (User functions) must be named extension_name_function() When you need to expose extension functions to other extensions, expose functions strictly needed by others. Exposed internal function must be named php_extension_name_function() See also CODING_STANDARDS. OTHER OPTIONS Run php ext_skel.php --help to see the available options.