편집 파일: specification.rb
## # A Resolver::Specification contains a subset of the information # contained in a Gem::Specification. Only the information necessary for # dependency resolution in the resolver is included. class Gem::Resolver::Specification ## # The dependencies of the gem for this specification attr_reader :dependencies ## # The name of the gem for this specification attr_reader :name ## # The platform this gem works on. attr_reader :platform ## # The set this specification came from. attr_reader :set ## # The source for this specification attr_reader :source ## # The version of the gem for this specification. attr_reader :version ## # Sets default instance variables for the specification. def initialize @dependencies = nil @name = nil @platform = nil @set = nil @source = nil @version = nil end ## # The name and version of the specification. # # Unlike Gem::Specification#full_name, the platform is not included. def full_name "#{@name}-#{@version}" end ## # Installs this specification using the Gem::Installer +options+. The # install method yields a Gem::Installer instance, which indicates the # gem will be installed, or +nil+, which indicates the gem is already # installed. def install options require 'rubygems/installer' destination = options[:install_dir] || Gem.dir Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories destination gem = source.download spec, destination installer = Gem::Installer.new gem, options yield installer if block_given? installer.install end ## # Returns true if this specification is installable on this platform. def installable_platform? Gem::Platform.match spec.platform end end