편집 파일: __init__.cpython-37.pyc
B �A�[_l � @ s. d Z ddlmZmZmZ ddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddlZe�d�Z e�ej�Ze�� Ze�e� e �e� e �ej� ddlmZmZ edddd g�Zd ddd dddddddddd� Zeee�� �ee�@ �dks�t�ddddddddd d!d"d#d$d%d&d'dd(d)d*gZ G d+d,� d,e!�Z"G d-d.� d.e!�Z#e�rdeee�� �eej$�@ �dk�sdt�d/d0� Z%d1d2� Z&d3d4� Z'G d5d6� d6e!�Z(d7d8� Z)d9d:� Z*d;d<� Z+d=d>� Z,dRd@dA�Z-dBdC� Z.dDdE� Z/e0edF��s�i e_1dGdH� Z2dSdIdJ�Z3dKdL� Z4G dMdN� dNe!�Z5d dddddd ddOdddddgZ6dPdQ� Z7dS )Ta� Python 3 reorganized the standard library (PEP 3108). This module exposes several standard library modules to Python 2 under their new Python 3 names. It is designed to be used as follows:: from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() And then these normal Py3 imports work on both Py3 and Py2:: import builtins import copyreg import queue import reprlib import socketserver import winreg # on Windows only import test.support import html, html.parser, html.entites import http, http.client, http.server import http.cookies, http.cookiejar import urllib.parse, urllib.request, urllib.response, urllib.error, urllib.robotparser import xmlrpc.client, xmlrpc.server import _thread import _dummy_thread import _markupbase from itertools import filterfalse, zip_longest from sys import intern from collections import UserDict, UserList, UserString from collections import OrderedDict, Counter, ChainMap # even on Py2.6 from subprocess import getoutput, getstatusoutput from subprocess import check_output # even on Py2.6 (The renamed modules and functions are still available under their old names on Python 2.) This is a cleaner alternative to this idiom (see http://docs.pythonsprints.com/python3_porting/py-porting.html):: try: import queue except ImportError: import Queue as queue Limitations ----------- We don't currently support these modules, but would like to:: import dbm import dbm.dumb import dbm.gnu import collections.abc # on Py33 import pickle # should (optionally) bring in cPickle on Python 2 � )�absolute_import�division�print_functionNZ future_stdlib)�PY2�PY3�test�urllib�pickle�dbm�builtins�copyreg�queue�socketserver�configparser�reprlib�winreg�_thread� _dummy_thread�xmlrpc�html�http�_markupbase) �__builtin__Zcopy_reg�Queuezfuture.moves.socketserver�ConfigParser�repr�_winreg�threadZdummy_threadzfuture.moves.xmlrpczfuture.moves.htmlzfuture.moves.httpzfuture.moves._markupbase)�collections�UserListr r )r �UserDictr r )r � UserStringr! r! )r �ChainMapzfuture.backports.miscr"