편집 파일: encoding.pyc
� ��Yc @@ s� d Z d d l m Z m Z d d l Z d d l m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z d � Z d e d d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d S( u� raven.utils.encoding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: (c) 2010-2012 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. i ( t absolute_importt unicode_literalsN( t integer_typest text_typet binary_typet string_typest PY2c C@ sJ d d l } d d l } t | t t d � t | | j | j | j f � S( u� Determine if the object instance is of a protected type. Objects of protected types are preserved as-is when passed to force_text(strings_only=True). i N( t Decimalt datetimet isinstanceR t typet Nonet floatt datet time( t objR R ( ( sE /opt/alt/python27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/raven/utils/encoding.pyt is_protected_type s u utf-8u strictc C@ s, t | t � r | S| r) t | � r) | Sy� t | t � s� t | d � rY | j � } q� t s� t | t � r� t | | | � } q� t | � } q� t t | � | | � } n | j | | � } Wne t k r'} t | t � s� t | j � � q(d j g | D] } t | | | | � ^ q � } n X| S( u� Similar to smart_text, except that lazy instances are resolved to strings, rather than kept as lazy objects. If strings_only is True, don't convert (some) non-string-like objects. u __unicode__u ( R R R R t hasattrt __unicode__R t bytest decodet UnicodeDecodeErrort Exceptiont argst joint force_text( t st encodingt strings_onlyt errorst et arg( ( sE /opt/alt/python27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/raven/utils/encoding.pyR s( ,c C@ s* d d l m } t j d t � | | � S( Ni ( t transformu5 You should switch to raven.utils.serializer.transform( t raven.utils.serializerR t warningst warnt DeprecationWarning( t valueR ( ( sE /opt/alt/python27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/raven/utils/encoding.pyR H s c C@ s� y t t | � � } Wni t t f k r5 d } nM t k r� y"