편집 파일: control.js
import "./control.scss"; wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-multicheck'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( { initKirkiControl: function( control ) { control = control || this; // Save the value control.container.on( 'change', 'input', function() { var value = [], i = 0; // Build the value as an object using the sub-values from individual checkboxes. jQuery.each( control.params.choices, function( key ) { if ( control.container.find( 'input[value="' + key + '"]' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { control.container.find( 'input[value="' + key + '"]' ).parent().addClass( 'checked' ); value[ i ] = key; i++; } else { control.container.find( 'input[value="' + key + '"]' ).parent().removeClass( 'checked' ); } } ); // Update the value in the customizer. control.setting.set( value ); } ); } } );