편집 파일: import.php
<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile use AdvancedAds\Entities; use AdvancedAds\Utilities\WordPress; /** * Class Advanced_Ads_Import */ class Advanced_Ads_Import { /** * Class instance. * * @var Advanced_Ads_Export */ private static $instance; /** * Uploaded XML file path * * @var string */ private $import_id; /** * Status messages * * @var array */ private $messages = []; /** * Imported data mapped with previous data, e.g. ['ads'][ new_ad_id => old_ad_id (or null if does not exist) ] * * @var array */ public $imported_data = [ 'ads' => [], 'groups' => [], 'placements' => [], ]; /** * Created groups during this import session ['slug' => 'id'] * * @var array */ private $created_groups = []; /** * Attachments, created for Image Ads and images in ad content * * @var array */ private $created_attachments = []; private function __construct() {} /** * Return an instance of this class. */ public static function get_instance() { if ( null === self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Manages stages of the XML import process */ public function dispatch() { if ( ! isset( $_POST['_wpnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_wpnonce'], 'advads-import' ) || ! WordPress::user_can( 'advanced_ads_manage_options' ) ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $_POST['import_type'] ) ) { return; } switch ( $_POST['import_type'] ) { case 'xml_content': if ( empty( $_POST['xml_textarea'] ) ) { $this->messages[] = [ 'error', __( 'Please enter XML content', 'advanced-ads' ) ]; return; } $content = stripslashes( $_POST['xml_textarea'] ); $this->import( $content ); break; case 'xml_file': if ( $this->handle_upload() ) { $content = file_get_contents( $this->import_id ); $this->import( $content ); @unlink( $this->import_id ); } break; } } /** * The main controller for the actual import stage * * @param string $xml_content XML content to import. */ public function import( &$xml_content ) { @set_time_limit( 0 ); @ini_set( 'memory_limit', apply_filters( 'admin_memory_limit', WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT ) ); $xml_content = trim( $xml_content ); if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) { error_log( 'source XML:' ); error_log( $xml_content ); } try { $decoded = Advanced_Ads_XmlEncoder::get_instance()->decode( $xml_content ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { error_log( $e->getMessage() ); $this->messages[] = [ 'error', $e->getMessage() ]; return; } if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) { error_log( 'decoded XML:' ); error_log( print_r( $decoded, true ) ); } $this->import_ads_and_groups( $decoded ); $this->import_empty_groups( $decoded ); $this->import_placements( $decoded ); $this->import_options( $decoded ); do_action_ref_array( 'advanced-ads-import', [ &$decoded, &$this->imported_data, &$this->messages ] ); wp_cache_flush(); } /** * Create new ads and groups based on import information * * @param array $decoded decoded XML. */ private function import_ads_and_groups( &$decoded ) { if ( isset( $decoded['ads'] ) && is_array( $decoded['ads'] ) ) { foreach ( $decoded['ads'] as $k => $ad ) { $ad_title = $ad['post_title'] ?? ''; $ad_date = $ad['post_date'] ?? ''; if ( isset( $ad['meta_input'] ) && is_array( $ad['meta_input'] ) ) { foreach ( $ad['meta_input'] as $meta_k => &$meta_v ) { if ( Advanced_Ads_Ad::$options_meta_field !== $meta_k ) { $meta_v = WordPress::maybe_unserialize( $meta_v ); } } } // upload images for Image ad ad type. if ( isset( $ad['attached_img_url'] ) && isset( $ad['meta_input']['advanced_ads_ad_options']['output']['image_id'] ) ) { $attached_img_url = $this->replace_placeholders( $ad['attached_img_url'] ); $attachment_id = null; if ( isset( $this->created_attachments[ $attached_img_url ] ) ) { $attachment_id = $this->created_attachments[ $attached_img_url ]['post_id']; } else if ( $attachment = $this->upload_image_from_url( $attached_img_url ) ) { $link = ( $link = get_attachment_link( $attachment['post_id'] ) ) ? sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( $link ), __( 'Edit', 'advanced-ads' ) ) : ''; /* translators: 1: Attachment ID 2: Attachment link */ $this->messages[] = [ 'update', sprintf( __( 'New attachment created <em>%1$s</em> %2$s', 'advanced-ads' ), $attachment['post_id'], $link ) ]; $attachment_id = $attachment['post_id']; $this->created_attachments[ $attached_img_url ] = $attachment; } if ( $attachment_id ) { $ad['meta_input']['advanced_ads_ad_options']['output']['image_id'] = $attachment_id; } } $insert_ad = [ 'post_title' => $ad_title, 'post_date' => $ad_date, 'post_date_gmt' => isset( $ad['post_date_gmt'] ) ? $ad['post_date_gmt'] : '', 'post_content' => isset( $ad['post_content'] ) ? $this->process_ad_content( $ad['post_content'] ) : '', 'post_password' => isset( $ad['post_password'] ) ? $ad['post_password'] : '', 'post_name' => isset( $ad['post_name'] ) ? $ad['post_name'] : '', 'post_status' => isset( $ad['post_status'] ) ? $ad['post_status'] : 'publish', 'post_modified' => isset( $ad['post_modified'] ) ? $ad['post_modified'] : '', 'post_modified_gmt' => isset( $ad['post_modified_gmt'] ) ? $ad['post_modified_gmt'] : '', 'guid' => $ad['guid'] ?? '', 'post_author' => get_current_user_id(), 'post_type' => Entities::POST_TYPE_AD, 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'meta_input' => isset( $ad['meta_input'] ) ? $ad['meta_input'] : '', ]; $post_id = wp_insert_post( $insert_ad, true ); if ( is_wp_error( $post_id ) ) { /* translators: %s Ad title */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Failed to import <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), esc_html( $ad['post_title'] ) ) ]; if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) { $this->messages[] = [ 'error', ' > ' . $post_id->get_error_message() ]; } continue; } else { $link = get_edit_post_link( $post_id ); $link = $link ? sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( $link ), __( 'Edit', 'advanced-ads' ) ) : ''; /* translators: 1: Post ID 2: Post link */ $this->messages[] = [ 'update', sprintf( __( 'New ad created: <em>%1$s</em> %2$s', 'advanced-ads' ), $post_id, $link ) ]; } // new ad id => old ad id, if exists. $this->imported_data['ads'][ $post_id ] = isset( $ad['ID'] ) ? absint( $ad['ID'] ) : null; // import ad groups. if ( ! empty( $ad['groups'] ) && is_array( $ad['groups'] ) ) { $groups_to_set = []; $advads_ad_groups = get_option( 'advads-ad-groups', [] ); $advads_ad_weights = get_option( 'advads-ad-weights', [] ); foreach ( $ad['groups'] as $_group ) { if ( ! $group_id = $this->create_group_term( $_group ) ) { continue; } $ad_group_id = null; if ( isset( $ad['meta_input']['advanced_ads_ad_options']['output']['group_id'] ) ) { $ad_group_id = $ad['meta_input']['advanced_ads_ad_options']['output']['group_id']; } // do not save the ad group, if this is the group assigned as ad content. if ( $ad_group_id !== $group_id ) { $groups_to_set[] = (int) $group_id; } if ( ! isset( $advads_ad_groups[ $group_id ] ) ) { $advads_ad_groups[ $group_id ] = [ 'type' => $_group['type'] ?? 'default', 'ad_count' => $_group['ad_count'] ?? 1, 'options' => $_group['options'] ?? [], ]; update_option( 'advads-ad-groups', $advads_ad_groups ); } $advads_ad_weights[ $group_id ][ $post_id ] = absint( $_group['weight'] ?? Advanced_Ads_Group::MAX_AD_GROUP_DEFAULT_WEIGHT ); } update_option( 'advads-ad-weights', $advads_ad_weights ); /* translators: 1: Group IDs 2: Post ID */ $this->messages[] = [ 'update', sprintf( __( 'Assigned terms: <em>%1$s</em>, to post: <em>%2$s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), implode( ',',$groups_to_set ), $post_id ) ]; $tt_ids = wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $groups_to_set, Entities::TAXONOMY_AD_GROUP ); } } } } /** * Create new empty groups based on import information * * @param array $decoded decoded XML. */ private function import_empty_groups( &$decoded ) { if ( isset( $decoded['groups'] ) && is_array( $decoded['groups'] ) ) { $advads_ad_groups = get_option( 'advads-ad-groups', [] ); foreach ( $decoded['groups'] as $_group ) { if ( $group_id = $this->create_group_term( $_group ) ) { if ( ! isset( $advads_ad_groups[ $group_id ] ) ) { $advads_ad_groups[ $group_id ] = [ 'type' => isset( $_group['type']) ? $_group['type'] : 'default', 'ad_count' => isset( $_group['ad_count'] ) ? $_group['ad_count'] : 1, 'options' => isset( $_group['options'] ) ? $_group['options'] : [] ]; } } } update_option( 'advads-ad-groups', $advads_ad_groups ); } } /** * Create new group term if it haven't already been created * * @param array $_group decoded XML. * @return int group_id, false on failure */ private function create_group_term( $_group ) { if ( empty( $_group['slug'] ) || empty( $_group['name'] ) ) { return false; } $slug = $original_slug = $_group['slug']; if ( isset( $this->created_groups[ $original_slug ] ) ) { return $this->created_groups[ $slug ]; } if ( term_exists( $slug, Entities::TAXONOMY_AD_GROUP ) ) { $count = 1; while ( term_exists( $slug . '_' . $count, Entities::TAXONOMY_AD_GROUP ) ) { ++$count; } $slug = $slug . '_' . $count; } $t = wp_insert_term( $_group['name'], Entities::TAXONOMY_AD_GROUP, [ 'slug' => $slug] ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $t ) ) { $this->created_groups[ $original_slug ] = $t['term_id']; $group_id = $t['term_id']; /* translators: 1: Group ID 2: Group name */ $this->messages[] = [ 'update', sprintf( __( 'New group created, id: <em>%1$s</em>, name: <em>%2$s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $group_id, esc_html( $_group['name'] ) ) ]; } else { /* translators: 1: Group taxonomy name 2: Group name */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Failed to import taxonomy: <em>%1$s</em>, term: <em>%2$s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), esc_html( Entities::TAXONOMY_AD_GROUP ), esc_html( $_group['name'] ) ) ]; if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) { $this->messages[] = [ 'error', ' > ' . $t->get_error_message() ]; } return false; } // new group id => old group id, if exists. $this->imported_data['groups'][ $group_id ] = isset( $_group['term_id'] ) ? absint( $_group['term_id'] ) : null; return $group_id; } /** * Create new placements based on import information * * @param array $decoded decoded XML. */ private function import_placements( &$decoded ) { if ( isset( $decoded['placements'] ) && is_array( $decoded['placements'] ) ) { $existing_placements = $updated_placements = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ad_placements_array(); $placement_types = Advanced_Ads_Placements::get_placement_types(); foreach ( $decoded['placements'] as &$placement ) { $use_existing = ! empty( $placement['use_existing'] ); // use existing placement. if ( $use_existing ) { if ( empty( $placement['key'] ) ) { continue; } $placement_key_uniq = sanitize_title( $placement['key'] ); if ( ! isset( $existing_placements[ $placement_key_uniq ] ) ) { continue; } $existing_placement = $existing_placements[ $placement_key_uniq ]; $existing_placement['key'] = $placement_key_uniq; // create new placement. } else { if ( empty( $placement['key'] ) || empty( $placement['name'] ) || empty( $placement['type'] ) ) { continue; } $placement_key_uniq = sanitize_title( $placement['key'] ); if ( '' === $placement_key_uniq ) { continue; } $placement['type'] = ( isset( $placement_types[ $placement['type'] ] ) ) ? $placement['type'] : 'default'; $placement['name'] = esc_attr( $placement['name'] ); // make sure the key in placement array is unique. if ( isset( $existing_placements[ $placement_key_uniq ] ) ) { $count = 1; while ( isset( $existing_placements[ $placement_key_uniq . '_' . $count ] ) ) { $count++; } $placement_key_uniq .= '_' . $count; } /* translators: %s is a placement name */ $this->messages[] = [ 'update', sprintf( __( 'Placement <em>%s</em> created', 'advanced-ads' ), esc_html( $placement['name'] ) ) ]; // new placement key => old placement key. $this->imported_data['placements'][ $placement_key_uniq ] = $placement['key']; } // try to set "Item" (ad or group). if ( ! empty( $placement['item'] ) ) { $_item = explode( '_', $placement['item'] ); if ( ! empty( $_item[1] ) ) { switch ( $_item[0] ) { case 'ad': case Advanced_Ads_Select::AD: $found = $this->search_item( $_item[1], Advanced_Ads_Select::AD ); if ( false === $found ) { break; } if ( $use_existing ) { // assign new ad to an existing placement // - if the placement has no or a single ad assigned, it will be swapped against the new one // - if a group is assigned to the placement, the new ad will be added to this group with a weight of 1 $placement = $existing_placement; if ( ! empty( $placement['item'] ) ) { // get the item from the existing placement. $_item_existing = explode( '_', $placement['item'] ); if ( ! empty( $_item_existing[1] ) && $_item_existing[0] === Advanced_Ads_Select::GROUP ) { $advads_ad_weights = get_option( 'advads-ad-weights', [] ); if ( term_exists( absint( $_item_existing[1] ), Entities::TAXONOMY_AD_GROUP ) ) { wp_set_post_terms( $found, $_item_existing[1], Entities::TAXONOMY_AD_GROUP, true ); /** * By default, a new add added to a group receives the weight of 5 * so that users could set the weight of existing ads either higher or lower * depending on whether they want to show the new ad with a higher weight or not. * This is especially useful with Selling Ads to replace an existing ad in a group * with a newly sold one * * Advanced users could use the `advanced-ads-import-default-group-weight` filter * to manipulate the value */ $advads_ad_weights[ $_item_existing[1] ][ $found ] = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-import-default-group-weight', 5 ); update_option( 'advads-ad-weights', $advads_ad_weights ); // new placement key => old placement key. $this->imported_data['placements'][ $placement_key_uniq ] = $placement_key_uniq; break; } } } } $placement['item'] = 'ad_' . $found; // new placement key => old placement key. $this->imported_data['placements'][ $placement_key_uniq ] = $placement_key_uniq; break; case Advanced_Ads_Select::GROUP: $found = $this->search_item( $_item[1], Advanced_Ads_Select::GROUP ); if ( false === $found ) { break; } $placement['item'] = 'group_' . $found; // new placement key => old placement key. $this->imported_data['placements'][ $placement_key_uniq ] = $placement_key_uniq; break; } } } $updated_placements[ $placement_key_uniq ] = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-import-placement', $placement, $this ); } if ( $existing_placements !== $updated_placements ) { Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model()->update_ad_placements_array( $updated_placements ); } } } /** * Search for ad/group id * * @param string $id ad/group Group id. * @param string $type Group type. * @return int|bool * - int id of the imported ad/group if exists * - or int id of the existing ad/group if exists * - or bool false */ public function search_item( $id, $type ) { $found = false; switch ( $type ) { case 'ad': case Advanced_Ads_Select::AD: // if the ad was was imported. if ( ! $found = array_search( $id, $this->imported_data['ads'] ) ) { // if the ad already exists. if ( get_post_type( $id ) === Entities::POST_TYPE_AD ) { $found = $id; } } break; case Advanced_Ads_Select::GROUP: if ( ! $found = array_search( $id, $this->imported_data['groups'] ) ) { if ( term_exists( absint( $id ), Entities::TAXONOMY_AD_GROUP ) ) { $found = $id; } } break; } return (int) $found; } /** * Create new options based on import information. * * @param array $decoded decoded XML. */ private function import_options( &$decoded ) { if ( isset( $decoded['options'] ) && is_array( $decoded['options'] ) ) { foreach ( $decoded['options'] as $option_name => $imported_option ) { // Ignore options not belonging to advanced ads. if ( 0 !== strpos( $option_name, 'advads-' ) && 0 !== strpos( $option_name, 'advads_' ) && 0 !== strpos( $option_name, 'advanced-ads' ) && 0 !== strpos( $option_name, 'advanced_ads' ) ) { continue; } $existing_option = get_option( $option_name, [] ); if ( ! is_array( $imported_option ) ) { $imported_option = []; } if ( ! is_array( $existing_option ) ) { $existing_option = []; } $option_to_import = array_merge( $existing_option, $imported_option ); /* translators: %s: Option name. */ $this->messages[] = [ 'update', sprintf( __( 'Option was updated: <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $option_name ) ]; update_option( $option_name, WordPress::maybe_unserialize( $option_to_import ) ); } } } /** * Handles the XML upload * * @return bool false if error, true otherwise */ private function handle_upload() { $uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir(); if ( ! empty( $uploads_dir['error'] ) ) { $this->messages[] = [ 'error', $uploads_dir['error'] ]; return; } $import_dir = $uploads_dir['basedir'] . '/advads-import'; $this->import_id = $import_dir . '/' . md5( time() . NONCE_SALT ); if ( ! is_dir( $import_dir) && ! wp_mkdir_p( $import_dir ) ) { /* translators: %s import directory */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Failed to create import directory <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $import_dir ) ]; return; } if ( ! is_writable( $import_dir ) ) { /* translators: %s import directory */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Import directory is not writable: <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $import_dir ) ]; return; } if ( ! @file_exists( $import_dir . '/index.php') ) { @touch( $import_dir . '/index.php' ); } if ( ! isset( $_FILES['import'] ) ) { $this->messages[] = [ 'error', __( 'File is empty, uploads are disabled or post_max_size is smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini', 'advanced-ads' ) ]; return; } $file = $_FILES['import']; // determine if uploaded file exceeds space quota. $file = apply_filters( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', $file ); if ( ! empty( $file['error'] ) ) { /* translators: %s error in file */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Failed to upload file, error: <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $file['error'] ) ]; return; } if ( ! ( $file['size'] > 0 ) ) { $this->messages[] = [ 'error', __( 'File is empty.', 'advanced-ads' ), $file['error'] ]; return; } if ( ! is_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'] ) || ! @ move_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'], $this->import_id ) || ! is_readable( $this->import_id ) ) { /* translators: %s import id */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'The file could not be created: <em>%s</em>. This is probably a permissions problem', 'advanced-ads' ), $this->import_id ) ]; return; } // Set correct file permissions. $stat = stat( dirname( $import_dir ) ); $perms = $stat['mode'] & 0000666; @ chmod( $this->import_id, $perms ); // cleanup in case of failed import. wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 10 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 'advanced-ads-cleanup-import-file', [ $this->import_id ] ); return true; } /** * Ad content manipulations * * @param string $content Content. * * @return string $content */ private function process_ad_content( $content ) { $replacement_map = []; if ( preg_match_all( '/\<advads_import_img\>(\S+?)\<\/advads_import_img\>/i', $content, $matches ) ) { foreach ( $matches[1] as $k => $url ) { if ( isset( $this->created_attachments[ $url ] ) ) { $replacement_map[ $url ] = $this->created_attachments[ $url ]['attachment_url']; } else if ( $attachment = $this->upload_image_from_url( $url ) ) { $link = ( $link = get_attachment_link( $attachment['post_id'] ) ) ? sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( $link ), __( 'Edit', 'advanced-ads' ) ) : ''; /* translators: 1: Attachment ID 2: Attachment link */ $this->messages[] = [ 'update', sprintf( __( 'New attachment created <em>%1$s</em> %2$s', 'advanced-ads' ), $attachment['post_id'], $link ) ]; $this->created_attachments[ $url ] = $attachment; $replacement_map[ $url ] = $attachment['attachment_url']; } } } $content = str_replace( [ '<advads_import_img>', '</advads_import_img>' ], '', $content ); if ( count( $replacement_map ) ) { $content = str_replace( array_keys( $replacement_map ), array_values( $replacement_map ), $content ); } return $this->replace_placeholders( $content ); } /** * Replace placeholders * * @param string $content The content. * * @return string with replaced placeholders */ private function replace_placeholders( $content ) { $content = str_replace( '{ADVADS_BASE_URL}', ADVADS_BASE_URL, $content ); return $content; } /** * Upload image from URL and create attachment * * @param string $image_url Image url. * @return array with indices: post_id, attachment_url, false on failure */ private function upload_image_from_url( $image_url ) { $file_name = basename( current( explode( '?', $image_url ) ) ); $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( $file_name, null ); $parsed_url = @parse_url( $image_url ); $image_url = str_replace( ' ', '%20', $image_url ); if ( ! $wp_filetype['type'] ) { /* translators: %s image url */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Invalid filetype <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $image_url ) ]; return false; } if ( ! $parsed_url || ! is_array( $parsed_url ) ) { /* translators: %s image url */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Error getting remote image <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $image_url ) ]; return false; } $response = wp_safe_remote_get( $image_url, [ 'timeout' => 20 ] ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) || 200 !== wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ) { /* translators: %s image url */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Error getting remote image <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $image_url ) ]; return false; } // Upload the file. $upload = wp_upload_bits( $file_name, '', wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) ); if ( $upload['error'] ) { /* translators: %s image url */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Error getting remote image <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $image_url ) ]; return false; } // Get filesize. $filesize = filesize( $upload['file'] ); if ( 0 == $filesize ) { @unlink( $upload['file'] ); /* translators: %s image url */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Zero size file downloaded <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $image_url ) ]; return false; } /** * Get allowed image mime types. * * @var string Single mime type. */ $mime_types = array_filter( get_allowed_mime_types(), function( $mime_type ) { return preg_match( '/image\//', $mime_type ); } ); $fileinfo = @getimagesize( $upload['file'] ); if ( ! $fileinfo || ! in_array( $fileinfo['mime'], $mime_types, true ) ) { @unlink( $upload['file'] ); /* translators: %s image url */ $this->messages[] = [ 'error', sprintf( __( 'Error getting remote image <em>%s</em>', 'advanced-ads' ), $image_url ) ]; return false; } // create new post $new_post = [ 'post_title' => $file_name, 'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'], 'guid' => $upload['url'], ]; if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php' ); } $post_id = wp_insert_attachment( $new_post, $upload['file'] ); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $upload['file'] ) ); return [ 'post_id' => $post_id, 'attachment_url' => wp_get_attachment_url( $post_id ) ]; } public function get_messages() { return $this->messages; } }