편집 파일: advanced-ads.block.js
(() => { window.wp.domReady(() => { init(window.wp); }); function init(wp) { /** * Shortcut variables */ const el = wp.element.createElement, registerBlockType = wp.blocks.registerBlockType, RawHTML = wp.element.RawHTML, aaGut = window.advadsGutenberg, i18n = aaGut.i18n, textFlow = aaGut.textFlow, safeHTML = wp.dom.safeHTML, editor = wp.blockEditor, comp = wp.components; /** * Custom SVG icon * could move to a separated file if we need it in other places, too * * <source> https://gist.github.com/zgordon/e837e29f77c343d29ebb7290a1a75eea */ const advadsIconEl = el( 'svg', { width: '24px', height: '24px', viewBox: '1.396 3276 24 24', xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', x: '0px', y: '0px', }, el( 'g', {}, el('path', { fill: '#1C1B3A', d: 'M18.602,3286.2v8.53H6.677v-11.925h8.53c-0.355-0.804-0.545-1.684-0.545-2.625s0.205-1.82,0.545-2.625 h-2.57H1.406v18.266l0.6,0.6l-0.6-0.6c0,2.304,1.875,4.179,4.18,4.179l0,0h7.05h11.216v-13.821 c-0.805,0.355-1.705,0.566-2.645,0.566C20.286,3286.745,19.406,3286.541,18.602,3286.2z', }), el('circle', { fill: '#0E75A4', cx: '21.206', cy: '3280.179', r: '4.18', }) ) ); /** * Register the single ad block type */ registerBlockType('advads/gblock', { apiVersion: 2, title: i18n.advads, icon: advadsIconEl, category: 'common', attributes: { className: { type: 'string', default: '', }, itemID: { type: 'string', default: '', }, width: { type: 'string', default: '', }, height: { type: 'string', default: '', }, align: { type: 'string', default: 'default', }, }, // todo: make the keywords translatable keywords: ['advert', 'adsense', 'banner'], edit: (props) => { const itemID = props.attributes.itemID; /** * Update itemID * * @param {Event} event change event on the select input. */ function setID(event) { props.setAttributes({ itemID: event.target.querySelector('option:checked') .value, }); } /** * Update width * * @param {Event} event change event on the number input. */ function setWidth(event) { props.setAttributes({ width: event.target.value }); } /** * Update height * * @param {Event} event change event on the number input. */ function setHeight(event) { props.setAttributes({ height: event.target.value }); } /** * Request hints related to the item. * * @param {string} ID Item ID. */ function requestHints(ID) { if (!ID || 0 !== ID.indexOf('group_')) { setHints([]); return; } const data = new FormData(); data.append('action', 'advads-get-block-hints'); data.append('nonce', window.advadsglobal.ajax_nonce); data.append('itemID', itemID); fetch(window.ajaxurl, { method: 'POST', credentials: 'same-origin', body: data, }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((json) => { if (json.success) { setHints(json.data); } }) .catch((error) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console -- Might help experienced users console.info(error); }); } function createSizeInputs(label, name, onchange) { const randomID = 'advanced-ads-size' + (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(1); return el( 'div', { className: 'size-group' }, el( 'label', { htmlFor: randomID }, el('span', { className: 'head' }, label) ), el( 'div', { className: 'size-input' }, el('input', { type: 'number', inputMode: 'numeric', id: randomID, value: props.attributes[name], name, min: 0, max: Infinity, step: 1, onChange: onchange, }), el('span', { className: 'suffix' }, 'px') ) ); } const [hints, setHints] = window.wp.element.useState([]); window.wp.element.useEffect(() => { requestHints(itemID); }, [itemID]); // the form children elements const children = []; // argument list (in array form) for the children creation const args = [], ads = [], groups = [], placements = []; args.push('select'); args.push({ value: props.attributes.itemID, onChange: setID, key: 'select', }); args.push(el('option', { key: 'empty' }, i18n['--empty--'])); for (const adID in aaGut.ads) { if (typeof aaGut.ads[adID].id === 'undefined') { continue; } ads.push( el( 'option', { value: 'ad_' + aaGut.ads[adID].id, key: adID, }, aaGut.ads[adID].title ) ); } for (const GID in aaGut.groups) { if ('undefined' === typeof aaGut.groups[GID].id) { continue; } groups.push( el( 'option', { value: 'group_' + aaGut.groups[GID].id, key: GID, }, aaGut.groups[GID].name ) ); } if (aaGut.placements) { for (const pid in aaGut.placements) { if ('undefined' === typeof aaGut.placements[pid].id) { continue; } placements.push( el( 'option', { value: 'place_' + aaGut.placements[pid].id, key: pid, }, aaGut.placements[pid].name ) ); } } if (aaGut.placements) { args.push( el( 'optgroup', { label: i18n.placements, key: 'placements', }, placements ) ); } args.push( el( 'optgroup', { label: i18n.adGroups, key: 'adGroups', }, groups ) ); args.push(el('optgroup', { label: i18n.ads, key: 'ads' }, ads)); // add a <label /> first and style it. children.push( el( 'div', { className: 'components-placeholder__label', key: 'components-placeholder__label', }, advadsIconEl, el( 'label', { style: { display: 'block' } }, i18n.advads ) ) ); if (itemID && i18n['--empty--'] !== itemID) { let url = '#'; if (0 === itemID.indexOf('place_')) { url = aaGut.editLinks.placement; } else if (0 === itemID.indexOf('group_')) { url = aaGut.editLinks.group; } else if (0 === itemID.indexOf('ad_')) { url = aaGut.editLinks.ad.replace( '%ID%', itemID.substr(3) ); } children.push( el( 'div', { className: 'components-placeholder__fieldset', key: 'components-placeholder__fieldset', }, // then add the <select /> input with its own children el.apply(null, args), el('a', { className: 'dashicons dashicons-external', style: { margin: 5, }, href: url, target: '_blank', }) ) ); hints.forEach(function (item, index) { children.push( el( RawHTML, { key: index, className: 'advads-block-hint advads-notice-inline advads-error', }, safeHTML(item) ) ); }); } else { children.push(el.apply(null, args)); } if (!aaGut.ads.length) { children.push( el( 'div', { className: 'components-placeholder__label', key: 'components-placeholder__label', }, '', el( 'a', { href: window.advadsglobal.create_ad_url, class: 'button', target: '_blank', style: { display: 'block', 'margin-top': '10px', }, }, window.advadsglobal.create_your_first_ad ) ) ); } const sizePanel = el( 'div', { id: 'advanced-ads-size-wrap' }, el( 'div', null, createSizeInputs(i18n.width, 'width', setWidth), createSizeInputs(i18n.height, 'height', setHeight) ) ); const sidebar = el( editor.InspectorControls, { key: 'advads-sidebar' }, el( comp.PanelBody, { title: i18n.size, initialOpen: true, }, sizePanel ) ); children.push(sidebar); const alignmentItems = []; for (const slug in textFlow) { const isSelected = props.attributes.align === slug; alignmentItems.push( el( comp.MenuItem, { key: slug, label: textFlow[slug].label, onClick: () => props.setAttributes({ align: slug }), isSelected, }, el( 'div', { className: 'text-flow-wrap' + (isSelected ? ' current' : ''), }, el( 'div', { className: 'text-flow-icon', }, el('img', { src: `${aaGut.imagesUrl}${slug}.png`, alt: slug, title: textFlow[slug].label, className: 'standard', }), el('img', { src: `${aaGut.imagesUrl}${slug}-alt.png`, alt: slug, title: textFlow[slug].label, className: 'alternate', }) ), el( 'div', { className: 'text-flow-label', title: textFlow[slug].description, }, el('span', {}, textFlow[slug].label) ) ) ) ); } const toolBar = el( editor.BlockControls, { key: 'advads-toolbar', group: 'block', }, el( comp.ToolbarGroup, { title: 'Alignment', }, el(comp.ToolbarDropdownMenu, { icon: 'editor-alignleft', label: 'Choose an alignment', children: () => el( 'div', { className: 'advads-align-dropdown' }, alignmentItems ), }) ) ); // return the complete form return el( 'div', editor.useBlockProps(), el( 'form', { className: 'components-placeholder is-large', }, children ), toolBar ); }, save: () => { // server side rendering return null; }, // Transforms legacy widget to Advanced Ads block. transforms: { from: [ { type: 'block', blocks: ['core/legacy-widget'], isMatch: (attributes) => { if ( !attributes.instance || !attributes.instance.raw ) { // Can't transform if raw instance is not shown in REST API. return false; } return attributes.idBase === 'advads_ad_widget'; }, transform: (attributes) => { const instance = attributes.instance.raw; const transformedBlock = wp.blocks.createBlock( 'advads/gblock', { name: instance.name, itemID: instance.item_id, } ); if (!instance.title) { return transformedBlock; } return [ wp.blocks.createBlock('core/heading', { content: instance.title, }), transformedBlock, ]; }, }, ], }, }); } })();