편집 파일: admin.php
<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile /** * Ad blocker admin functionality. */ class Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker_Admin { /** * Singleton instance of the plugin * * @var Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker_Admin */ protected static $instance; /** * Module options * * @var array (if loaded) */ protected $options; /** * Pattern to search assets using preg_match. The string ends with .css/.js/.png/.gif * * @var string */ protected $search_file_pattern = '/(css|js|png|gif)$/'; /** * Pattern to exclide directories from search. The string does not contain '/vendor/' or '/lib/' or '/admin/' or /node_modules/ * * @var string */ protected $exclude_dir_pattern = '/(\/vendor\/|\/lib\/|\/admin\/|\/node_modules\/)/'; /** * Array, containing path information on the currently configured uploads directory * * @var array */ protected $upload_dir; /** * Error messages for user * * @var WP_Error */ protected $error_messages; /** * Initialize the module * */ private function __construct() { // add module settings to Advanced Ads settings page add_action( 'advanced-ads-settings-init', [ $this, 'settings_init' ], 9, 1 ); $is_main_site = is_main_site( get_current_blog_id() ); if ( ! $is_main_site ) { return; } // Get the most recent options values $this->options = Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker::get_instance()->options(); $this->upload_dir = $this->options['upload_dir']; add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'process_auto_update' ] ); $this->error_messages = new WP_Error(); } /** * Return an instance of Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker * * @return Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker_Admin */ public static function get_instance() { // If the single instance hasn't been set, set it now. if (null === self::$instance) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } /** * Add settings to settings page. * * @param string $hook settings page hook */ public function settings_init( $hook ) { add_settings_field( 'use-adblocker', __( 'Ad blocker fix', 'advanced-ads' ), [ $this, 'render_settings_use_adblocker' ], $hook, 'advanced_ads_adblocker_setting_section' ); } /** * Render setting to enable/disable adblocker. */ public function render_settings_use_adblocker() { $is_main_site = is_main_site( get_current_blog_id() ); $checked = ! empty( Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->options()['use-adblocker'] ); include ADVADS_AB_BASE_PATH . 'admin/views/setting-use-adblocker.php'; // if this is a sub site in a network, don't run the rebuild form code. if ( ! $is_main_site ) { return; } // add the rebuild form directly after the settings ?> <div id="advads-adblocker-wrapper" <?php echo( $checked ? '' : 'style="display: none;"' ); ?>> <?php $button_disabled = true; $upload_dir = $this->upload_dir; $options = $this->options; include ADVADS_AB_BASE_PATH . 'admin/views/rebuild_form.php'; ?> </div> <?php } /** * Render the ad-blocker rebuild assets form * */ public function add_asset_rebuild_form() { global $wp_filesystem; $success = false; $message = ''; $fs_connect = Advanced_Ads_Filesystem::get_instance()->fs_connect( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ); if ( $fs_connect === false || is_wp_error( $fs_connect ) ) { $message = __( 'Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials.', 'advanced-ads' ); if ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Base && is_wp_error( $wp_filesystem->errors ) && $wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code() ) { $message = esc_html( $wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_message() ); } if ( is_wp_error( $fs_connect ) && $fs_connect->get_error_code() ) { $message = esc_html( $fs_connect->get_error_message() ); } } else { $output = $this->process_form(); if ( is_wp_error( $output ) ) { $message = $output->get_error_message(); } else { $success = true; $message = __( 'The asset folder was rebuilt successfully', 'advanced-ads' ); } } $upload_dir = $this->upload_dir; $button_disabled = false; $options = Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker::get_instance()->options( true ); include ADVADS_AB_BASE_PATH . 'admin/views/rebuild_form.php'; } /** * Perform processing of the rebuild_form, sent by user * * @return true|WP_Error true on success, WP_Error in case of error **/ private function process_form() { // at this point we do not need ftp/ssh credentials anymore $form_post_fields = array_intersect_key( $_POST, [ 'advads_ab_assign_new_folder' => false ] ); $this->create_dummy_plugin( $form_post_fields ); if ( $error_messages = $this->error_messages->get_error_messages() ) { foreach ( $error_messages as $error_message ) { Advanced_Ads::log( __METHOD__ . ': ' . $error_message ); } return $this->error_messages; } return true; } /** * Creates dummy plugin and return new options, that need to be stored in database. * * @param array $form_post_fields options, POST data sent by user. * @return array $new_options - options, that need to be stored in database. */ public function create_dummy_plugin( $form_post_fields = [] ) { global $wp_filesystem; $need_assign_new_name = isset( $form_post_fields['advads_ab_assign_new_folder'] ); if ( ! $this->upload_dir ) { $message = __( 'There is no writable upload folder', 'advanced-ads' ); $this->error_messages->add( 'create_dummy_1', $message); return false; } $new_options = [ 'lookup_table' => isset( $this->options['lookup_table'] ) ? $this->options['lookup_table'] : [], ]; $new_options_error = $new_options; // $new_options_error does not have the 'module_can_work' key - ad-blocker script will be inactive and the asset folder will be rebuilt next time $new_options['module_can_work'] = true; $existing_files = @scandir( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ); if ( $existing_files ) { $existing_files = array_diff( $existing_files, [ '..', '.' ] ); } else { $existing_files = []; } if ( ! empty( $this->options['folder_name'] ) ) { $new_options['folder_name'] = $new_options_error['folder_name'] = $this->options['folder_name']; $old_folder_normalized = Advanced_Ads_Filesystem::get_instance()->normalize_path( trailingslashit( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ) ) . $this->options['folder_name']; if ( $wp_filesystem->exists( $old_folder_normalized ) ) { if ( $need_assign_new_name ) { $existing_files[] = (string) $new_options['folder_name']; $new_folder_name = $this->generate_unique_name( $existing_files ); $new_folder_normalized = Advanced_Ads_Filesystem::get_instance()->normalize_path( trailingslashit( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ) ) . $new_folder_name; if ( ! $wp_filesystem->move( $old_folder_normalized, $new_folder_normalized ) ) { /* translators: %s old folder name */ $message = sprintf( __( 'Unable to rename "%s" directory', 'advanced-ads' ), $old_folder_normalized ); $this->error_messages->add( 'create_dummy_2', $message); return false; } $new_options['folder_name'] = $new_options_error['folder_name'] = $new_folder_name; } $is_rebuild_needed = count( $this->get_assets() ); // we have an error while the method is being executed Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker::get_instance()->update_options( $new_options_error ); if ( $is_rebuild_needed ) { $lookup_table = $this->copy_assets( $new_options['folder_name'], $need_assign_new_name ); if ( ! $lookup_table ) { /* translators: %s folder name */ $message = sprintf( __( 'Unable to copy assets to the "%s" directory', 'advanced-ads' ), $new_options['folder_name'] ); $this->error_messages->add( 'create_dummy_3', $message); return false; } $new_options['lookup_table'] = $lookup_table; } } else { // we have an error while the method is being executed Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker::get_instance()->update_options( $new_options_error ); // old folder does not exist, let's create it $lookup_table = $this->copy_assets( $new_options['folder_name'] ); if ( ! $lookup_table ) { /* translators: %s folder name */ $message = sprintf( __( 'Unable to copy assets to the "%s" directory', 'advanced-ads' ), $new_options['folder_name'] ); $this->error_messages->add( 'create_dummy_4', $message); return false; } $new_options['lookup_table'] = $lookup_table; } } else { // It seems this is the first time this plugin was ran, let's create everything we need in order to // have this plugin function normally. $new_folder_name = $this->generate_unique_name( $existing_files ); // Create a unique folder name $new_options['folder_name'] = $new_options_error['folder_name'] = $new_folder_name; // we have an error while the method is being executed Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker::get_instance()->update_options( $new_options_error ); // Copy the assets $lookup_table = $this->copy_assets( $new_options['folder_name'] ); if ( ! $lookup_table ) { $message = sprintf( __( 'Unable to copy assets to the "%s" directory', 'advanced-ads' ), $new_options['folder_name'] ); $this->error_messages->add( 'create_dummy_5', $message); return false; } $new_options['lookup_table'] = $lookup_table; } // successful result, save options and rewrite previous error options Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker::get_instance()->update_options( $new_options ); Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::get_instance()->remove( 'assets_expired' ); } /** * Copy all assets (JS/CSS) to the magic directory. * * @param string $folder_name Destination folder. * @param bool $need_assign_new_name True if we need to assign new random names to assets. * @return bool/array Bool false on failure, array lookup table on success. */ public function copy_assets( $folder_name, $need_assign_new_name = false ) { global $wp_filesystem; // Are we completely rebuilding the assets folder? $asset_path = trailingslashit( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ) . $folder_name ; $asset_path_normalized = Advanced_Ads_Filesystem::get_instance()->normalize_path( trailingslashit( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ) ) . $folder_name; // already saved associations (original name => replaced name) $rand_asset_names = []; if ( $need_assign_new_name ) { // Check if there is a previous asset folder if ( $wp_filesystem->exists( $asset_path_normalized ) ) { // Remove the old directory and its contents if ( ! $wp_filesystem->rmdir( trailingslashit( $asset_path_normalized ), true ) ) { /* translators: %s directory path */ $message = sprintf( __( 'We do not have direct write access to the "%s" directory', 'advanced-ads' ), $asset_path_normalized ); $this->error_messages->add( 'copy_assets_1', $message); return false; } } } elseif ( isset( $this->options['lookup_table'] ) ) { foreach ( $this->options['lookup_table'] as $orig_path => $replaced_info ) { $replaced_path = is_array( $replaced_info ) ? $replaced_info['path'] : $replaced_info; $orig_path_components = preg_split('/\//', $orig_path, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $replaced_path_components = preg_split('/\//', $replaced_path, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // (css, style.css) => (1, 2.css) foreach ( $orig_path_components as $k=> $orig_path_part ) { $rand_asset_names[ $orig_path_part] = (string) $replaced_path_components[$k]; } } } // Lookup_table contains associations between the original path of the asset and it path within our magic folder. // I.e: [advanced-ads-layer/admin/assets/css/admin.css] => array( path => /12/34/56/78/1347107783.css, mtime => 99 ). $assets = $this->get_assets(); if ( $need_assign_new_name ) { $lookup_table = []; } else { $lookup_table = isset( $this->options['lookup_table'] ) ? $this->options['lookup_table'] : []; } /* Do not rename assets and folders. If, for example, some library uses in file.css something like this: 'background: url(/img/image.png)', you should add 'img') to this array */ $not_rename_assets = [ 'public', 'assets', 'js', 'css', 'fancybox', 'advanced.js', 'jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css' ]; // Loop through all the found assets foreach ( $assets as $file => $filemtime ) { if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { continue; } $first_cleanup = str_replace( WP_PLUGIN_DIR , '', $file ); $first_cleanup_dir = dirname( $first_cleanup ); $first_cleanup_filename = basename( $first_cleanup ); $first_cleanup_file_extension = pathinfo( $first_cleanup, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); $path_components = preg_split('/\//', $first_cleanup_dir, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $path_components_new = []; // Interate over directories. foreach ( $path_components as $k => $dir ) { if ( in_array( $dir, $not_rename_assets ) ) { $path_components_new[ $k ] = $dir; } elseif ( array_key_exists( $dir, $rand_asset_names ) ) { $path_components_new[ $k ] = $rand_asset_names[ $dir ]; } else { $new_rand_folder_name = $this->generate_unique_name( array_values( $rand_asset_names ) ); $path_components_new[ $k ] = $new_rand_folder_name; $rand_asset_names[ $dir ] = (string) $new_rand_folder_name; } } $new_dir_full = trailingslashit( $asset_path ) . trailingslashit( implode( '/', $path_components_new ) ); $new_dir_full_normalized = trailingslashit( $asset_path_normalized ) . trailingslashit( implode( '/', $path_components_new ) ); $new_dir = trailingslashit( implode( '/', $path_components_new ) ); if ( ! in_array( $first_cleanup_filename, $not_rename_assets ) && ( $first_cleanup_file_extension == 'js' || $first_cleanup_file_extension == 'css' ) ) { if ( array_key_exists( $first_cleanup_filename, $rand_asset_names ) ) { $new_abs_file = $new_dir_full_normalized . $rand_asset_names[$first_cleanup_filename]; $new_rel_file = $new_dir . $rand_asset_names[$first_cleanup_filename]; } else { $new_filename = $this->generate_unique_name( array_values( $rand_asset_names ), $first_cleanup_file_extension ); $rand_asset_names[$first_cleanup_filename] = (string) $new_filename; $new_abs_file = $new_dir_full_normalized . $new_filename; $new_rel_file = $new_dir . $new_filename; } } else { $new_abs_file = $new_dir_full_normalized . $first_cleanup_filename; $new_rel_file = $new_dir . $first_cleanup_filename; } if ( ! file_exists( $new_dir_full_normalized ) ) { // Create the path if it doesn't exist (prevents the copy() function from failing) if ( ! Advanced_Ads_Filesystem::get_instance()->mkdir_p( $new_dir_full_normalized ) ) { $message = sprintf( __( 'We do not have direct write access to the "%s" directory', 'advanced-ads' ), $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ); $this->error_messages->add( 'copy_assets_4', $message); return false; } } $file_normalized = Advanced_Ads_Filesystem::get_instance()->normalize_path( trailingslashit( dirname( $file ) ) ) . basename( $file ); // Copy the file to our new magic directory, if ( ! $wp_filesystem->copy( $file_normalized, $new_abs_file, true, FS_CHMOD_FILE ) ) { /* translators: %s directory path */ $message = sprintf( __( 'Unable to copy files to %s', 'advanced-ads' ), $asset_path_normalized ); $this->error_messages->add( 'copy_assets_5', $message); return false; } $lookup_table[ $first_cleanup ] = [ 'path' => $new_rel_file, 'mtime' => $filemtime, ]; } return $lookup_table; } /** * This function recursively searches for assets * * @param string $dir The directory to search in. * @return Array with pairs: abs_filename => mtime. */ public function recursive_search_assets( $dir ) { $assets = []; $tree = glob( rtrim( $dir, '/' ) . '/*' ); if ( is_array( $tree ) ) { foreach ( $tree as $file ) { if ( is_dir( $file ) && ! preg_match( $this->exclude_dir_pattern, $file ) ) { $assets = array_merge( $assets, $this->recursive_search_assets( $file ) ); } elseif ( is_file( $file ) && preg_match( $this->search_file_pattern, $file ) ) { $assets[ $file ] = @filemtime( $file ); } } } return $assets; } /** * Returns new or modified assets and their mtimes. * * @return array */ public function get_assets() { $new_files_info = $this->recursive_search_assets( trailingslashit( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'advanced-ads*' ); if ( ! isset( $this->options['lookup_table'] ) || ! isset( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ) || ! isset( $this->options['folder_name'] ) ) { return $new_files_info; } $asset_path = trailingslashit( trailingslashit( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ) . $this->options['folder_name'] ) ; $new_files = []; foreach ( $new_files_info as $abs_file => $mtime ) { $rel_file = str_replace( WP_PLUGIN_DIR , '', $abs_file ); if ( ! isset( $this->options['lookup_table'][ $rel_file ]['mtime'] ) || $this->options['lookup_table'][ $rel_file ]['mtime'] !== $mtime || ! file_exists( $asset_path . $this->options['lookup_table'][$rel_file]['path'] ) ) { $new_files[ $abs_file ] = $mtime; } } return $new_files; } /** * Automatically updates assets * */ public function process_auto_update() { $advads_options = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->options(); if ( ! isset( $advads_options['use-adblocker'] ) || ! $this->upload_dir ) { return; } //if module is working without errors and there are new assets if ( ! empty( $this->options['module_can_work'] ) && count( $this->get_assets() ) ) { $fs_connect = Advanced_Ads_Filesystem::get_instance()->fs_connect( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ); if ( false === $fs_connect || is_wp_error( $fs_connect ) ) { // we can not update assets automatically. The user should visit the setting page and update assets manually // disable module and show notice unset( $this->options['module_can_work'] ); Advanced_Ads_Ad_Blocker::get_instance()->update_options( $this->options ); return; } $this->create_dummy_plugin(); // write errors to the log if ( $error_messages = $this->error_messages->get_error_messages() ) { foreach ( $error_messages as $error_message ) { Advanced_Ads::log( __METHOD__ . ': ' . $error_message ); } } } } /** * Generate unique name * * @param array $haystack array to check, that the returned string does not exist in this array * @param string $extension Extension to append to the name. * @return string unique name */ function generate_unique_name( $haystack = false, $extension = '' ) { $extension = $extension ? '.' . $extension : ''; if ( $haystack ) { $i = 0; do { $rand = (string) mt_rand( 1, 999 ); if ( ++$i < 100 ) { $needle = (string) $rand . $extension; } else { $needle = (string) $rand . '_' . $i . $extension; } } while( in_array( $needle, $haystack ) ); return $needle; } $needle = (string) mt_rand( 1, 999 ) . $extension; return $needle; } /** * Clear assets (on uninstall) */ function clear_assets() { $advads_options = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->options(); if ( ! empty( $this->options['folder_name'] ) && ! empty( $this->options['module_can_work'] ) && $this->upload_dir && class_exists( 'WP_Filesystem_Direct', false ) ) { $wp_filesystem = new WP_Filesystem_Direct( new StdClass() ); $path = trailingslashit( $this->upload_dir['basedir'] ) . trailingslashit( $this->options['folder_name'] ); $wp_filesystem->rmdir( $path, true ); } } }