편집 파일: class-notices.php
<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile use AdvancedAds\Utilities\Conditional; /** * Container class for admin notices * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Advanced Ads Plugin */ class Advanced_Ads_Admin_Notices { /** * Maximum number of notices to show at once */ const MAX_NOTICES = 2; /** * Instance of this class * * @var object */ protected static $instance = null; /** * Options * * @var array */ protected $options; /** * Notices to be displayed * * @var array */ public $notices = []; /** * Plugin class * * @var Advanced_Ads_Plugin */ private $plugin; /** * Advanced_Ads_Admin_Notices constructor to load notices */ public function __construct() { $this->plugin = Advanced_Ads_Plugin::get_instance(); // load notices. $this->load_notices(); add_action( 'advanced-ads-ad-params-before', [ $this, 'adsense_tutorial' ], 10, 2 ); } /** * Return an instance of this class. * * @return object A single instance of this class. */ public static function get_instance() { // if the single instance hasn't been set, set it now. if ( null === self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Load admin notices */ public function load_notices() { $options = $this->options(); $plugin_options = $this->plugin->options(); // load notices from queue. $this->notices = isset( $options['queue'] ) ? $options['queue'] : []; $notices_before = $this->notices; // check license notices. $this->register_license_notices(); // don’t check non-critical notices if they are disabled. if ( ! isset( $plugin_options['disable-notices'] ) ) { // check other notices. $this->check_notices(); } // register notices in db so they get displayed until closed for good. if ( $this->notices !== $notices_before ) { $this->add_to_queue( $this->notices ); } } /** * Update version number to latest one */ public function update_version_number() { $internal_options = $this->plugin->internal_options(); $new_options = $internal_options; // in case we udpate options here. $new_options['version'] = ADVADS_VERSION; // update version numbers. if ( $internal_options !== $new_options ) { $this->plugin->update_internal_options( $new_options ); } } /** * Check various notices conditions */ public function check_notices() { $internal_options = $this->plugin->internal_options(); $now = time(); $activation = ( isset( $internal_options['installed'] ) ) ? $internal_options['installed'] : $now; // activation time. $options = $this->options(); $closed = isset( $options['closed'] ) ? $options['closed'] : []; $queue = isset( $options['queue'] ) ? $options['queue'] : []; $paused = isset( $options['paused'] ) ? $options['paused'] : []; // offer free add-ons if not yet subscribed. if ( $this->user_can_subscribe() && ! in_array( 'nl_free_addons', $queue, true ) && ! isset( $closed['nl_free_addons'] ) ) { // get number of ads. if ( Advanced_Ads::get_number_of_ads() ) { $this->notices[] = 'nl_free_addons'; } } $number_of_ads = 0; // needed error handling due to a weird bug in the piklist plugin. try { $number_of_ads = Advanced_Ads::get_number_of_ads(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // no need to catch anything since we just use TRY/CATCH to prevent an issue caused by another plugin. } // register intro message. if ( ! $number_of_ads && [] === $options && ! in_array( 'nl_intro', $queue, true ) && ! isset( $closed['nl_intro'] ) ) { $this->notices[] = 'nl_intro'; } elseif ( $number_of_ads ) { $key = array_search( 'nl_intro', $this->notices, true ); if ( false !== $key ) { unset( $this->notices[ $key ] ); } } // ask for a review after 2 days and when 3 ads were created and when not paused. if ( ! in_array( 'review', $queue, true ) && ! isset( $closed['review'] ) && ( ! isset( $paused['review'] ) || $paused['review'] <= time() ) && 172800 < ( time() - $activation ) && 3 <= $number_of_ads ) { $this->notices[] = 'review'; } elseif ( in_array( 'review', $queue, true ) && 3 > $number_of_ads ) { $review_key = array_search( 'review', $this->notices, true ); if ( false !== $review_key ) { unset( $this->notices[ $review_key ] ); } } } /** * Register license key notices */ public function register_license_notices() { if ( ! Conditional::is_screen_advanced_ads() ) { return; } $options = $this->options(); $queue = isset( $options['queue'] ) ? $options['queue'] : []; // check license keys. if ( Advanced_Ads_Checks::licenses_invalid() ) { if ( ! in_array( 'license_invalid', $queue, true ) ) { $this->notices[] = 'license_invalid'; } } else { $this->remove_from_queue( 'license_invalid' ); } } /** * Add update notices to the queue of all notices that still needs to be closed * * @param mixed $notices one or more notices to be added to the queue. * * @since 1.5.3 */ public function add_to_queue( $notices = 0 ) { if ( ! $notices ) { return; } // get queue from options. $options = $this->options(); $queue = isset( $options['queue'] ) ? $options['queue'] : []; if ( is_array( $notices ) ) { $queue = array_merge( $queue, $notices ); } else { $queue[] = $notices; } // remove possible duplicated. $queue = array_unique( $queue ); // update db. $options['queue'] = $queue; $this->update_options( $options ); } /** * Remove update notice from queue * move notice into "closed" * * @param string $notice notice to be removed from the queue. * * @since 1.5.3 */ public function remove_from_queue( $notice ) { if ( ! isset( $notice ) ) { return; } // get queue from options. $options = $this->options(); $options_before = $options; if ( ! isset( $options['queue'] ) ) { return; } $queue = (array) $options['queue']; $closed = isset( $options['closed'] ) ? $options['closed'] : []; $paused = isset( $options['paused'] ) ? $options['paused'] : []; $key = array_search( $notice, $queue, true ); if ( false !== $key ) { unset( $queue[ $key ] ); // close message with timestamp. } // don’t close again twice. if ( ! isset( $closed[ $notice ] ) ) { $closed[ $notice ] = time(); } // remove from pause. if ( isset( $paused[ $notice ] ) ) { unset( $paused[ $notice ] ); } // update db. $options['queue'] = $queue; $options['closed'] = $closed; $options['paused'] = $paused; // only update if changed. if ( $options_before !== $options ) { $this->update_options( $options ); // update already registered notices. $this->load_notices(); } } /** * Hide any notice for a given time * move notice into "paused" with notice as key and timestamp as value * * @param string $notice notice to be paused. */ public function hide_notice( $notice ) { if ( ! isset( $notice ) ) { return; } // get queue from options. $options = $this->options(); $options_before = $options; if ( ! isset( $options['queue'] ) ) { return; } $queue = (array) $options['queue']; $paused = isset( $options['paused'] ) ? $options['paused'] : []; $key = array_search( $notice, $queue, true ); if ( false !== $key ) { unset( $queue[ $key ] ); } // close message with timestamp in 7 days // don’t close again twice. if ( ! isset( $paused[ $notice ] ) ) { $paused[ $notice ] = time() + WEEK_IN_SECONDS; } // update db. $options['queue'] = $queue; $options['paused'] = $paused; // only update if changed. if ( $options_before !== $options ) { $this->update_options( $options ); // update already registered notices. $this->load_notices(); } } /** * Display notices */ public function display_notices() { if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) { return; } // register Black Friday 2023 deals. if ( time() > 1732669200 && time() <= 1733266800 && Conditional::is_screen_advanced_ads() ) { $options = $this->options(); $closed = isset( $options['closed'] ) ? $options['closed'] : []; if ( ! isset( $closed['bfcm23'] ) ) { $this->notices[] = 'bfcm23'; } } // 2024 AA 10 year anniversary if ( time() > 1719464400 && time() <= 1720047600 && Conditional::is_screen_advanced_ads() ) { $options = $this->options(); $closed = isset( $options['closed'] ) ? $options['closed'] : []; if ( ! isset( $closed['promo-10ya'] ) ) { $this->notices[] = 'promo-10ya'; } } if ( [] === $this->notices ) { return; } // hide the welcome panel on the ad edit page $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( isset( $screen->id ) && $screen->id === 'advanced_ads' ) { $intro_key = array_search( 'nl_intro', $this->notices, true ); if ( $intro_key !== false ) { unset( $this->notices[ $intro_key ] ); } } // load notices. include ADVADS_ABSPATH . '/admin/includes/notices.php'; // iterate through notices. $count = 0; foreach ( $this->notices as $_notice ) { if ( isset( $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ] ) ) { $notice = $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ]; $text = $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ]['text']; $type = isset( $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ]['type'] ) ? $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ]['type'] : ''; } else { continue; } // don’t display non-global notices on other than plugin related pages. if ( ( ! isset( $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ]['global'] ) || ! $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ]['global'] ) && ! Conditional::is_screen_advanced_ads() ) { continue; } // don't display license nag if ADVANCED_ADS_SUPPRESS_PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICES is defined. if ( defined( 'ADVANCED_ADS_SUPPRESS_PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICES' ) && 'plugin_error' === $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ]['type'] ) { continue; } switch ( $type ) { case 'info': include ADVADS_ABSPATH . '/admin/views/notices/info.php'; break; case 'subscribe': include ADVADS_ABSPATH . '/admin/views/notices/subscribe.php'; break; case 'plugin_error': include ADVADS_ABSPATH . '/admin/views/notices/plugin_error.php'; break; case 'promo': include ADVADS_ABSPATH . '/admin/views/notices/promo.php'; break; default: include ADVADS_ABSPATH . '/admin/views/notices/error.php'; } if ( self::MAX_NOTICES === ++ $count ) { break; } } } /** * Return notices options * * @return array $options */ public function options() { if ( ! isset( $this->options ) ) { $this->options = get_option( ADVADS_SLUG . '-notices', [] ); } return $this->options; } /** * Update notices options * * @param array $options new options. */ public function update_options( array $options ) { // do not allow to clear options. if ( [] === $options ) { return; } $this->options = $options; update_option( ADVADS_SLUG . '-notices', $options ); } /** * Subscribe to newsletter and autoresponder * * @param string $notice slug of the subscription notice to send the correct reply. * * @return string */ public function subscribe( $notice ) { if ( ! isset( $notice ) ) { return ''; } global $current_user; $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( '' === $user->user_email ) { // translators: %s is a URL. return sprintf( __( 'You don’t seem to have an email address. Please use <a href="%s" target="_blank">this form</a> to sign up.', 'advanced-ads' ), 'http://eepurl.com/bk4z4P' ); } $data = [ 'email' => $user->user_email, 'notice' => $notice, ]; $result = wp_remote_post( 'https://wpadvancedads.com/remote/subscribe.php?source=plugin', [ 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 20, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'blocking' => true, 'body' => $data, ] ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return __( 'How embarrassing. The email server seems to be down. Please try again later.', 'advanced-ads' ); } else { // mark as subscribed and move notice from quere. $this->mark_as_subscribed(); $this->remove_from_queue( $notice ); // translators: the first %s is an email address, the seconds %s is a URL. return sprintf( __( 'Please check your email (%1$s) for the confirmation message. If you didn’t receive one or want to use another email address then please use <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">this form</a> to sign up.', 'advanced-ads' ), $user->user_email, 'http://eepurl.com/bk4z4P' ); } } /** * Check if blog is subscribed to the newsletter */ public function is_subscribed() { // respect previous settings. $options = $this->options(); if ( isset( $options['is_subscribed'] ) ) { return true; } $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if ( ! $user_id ) { return true; } $subscribed = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'advanced-ads-subscribed', true ); return $subscribed; } /** * Check if a usesr can be subscribed to our newsletter * check if is already subscribed or email is invalid * * @return bool true if user can subscribe */ public function user_can_subscribe() { // respect previous settings. $options = $this->options(); if ( isset( $options['is_subscribed'] ) ) { return true; } $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( empty( $current_user->ID ) || empty( $current_user->user_email ) ) { return false; } $subscribed = get_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'advanced-ads-subscribed', true ); // secureserver.net email address belong to GoDaddy (?) and have very, very low open rates. Seems like only temporary setup. return ( ! $subscribed && is_email( $current_user->user_email ) && false === strpos( $current_user->user_email, 'secureserver.net' ) ) ? true : false; } /** * Update information that the current user is subscribed */ private function mark_as_subscribed() { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if ( ! $this->is_subscribed() ) { update_user_meta( $user_id, 'advanced-ads-subscribed', true ); } } /** * Add AdSense tutorial notice * * @param Advanced_Ads_Ad $ad ad object. * @param array $types ad types. */ public function adsense_tutorial( $ad, $types = [] ) { $options = $this->options(); $_notice = 'nl_adsense'; if ( 'adsense' !== $ad->type || isset( $options['closed'][ $_notice ] ) ) { return; } include ADVADS_ABSPATH . '/admin/includes/notices.php'; if ( ! isset( $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ] ) ) { return; } $notice = $advanced_ads_admin_notices[ $_notice ]; $text = $notice['text']; include ADVADS_ABSPATH . '/admin/views/notices/inline.php'; } /** * Create the content of a welcome panel like WordPress core does */ public function get_welcome_panel() { ob_start(); include ADVADS_ABSPATH . '/admin/views/notices/welcome-panel.php'; return ob_get_clean(); } }