편집 파일: termination.js
// phpcs:disable Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.IncorrectExact -- PHPCS can't handle es5 short functions function Advads_Termination( element ) { /** * Function to reset the changed nodes to default values. * * @constructor */ function FormValues() { this.addedNodes = []; this.removedNodes = []; }; let initialFormValues = new FormValues(), changedFormValues = new FormValues(); const blocklist = [ 'active_post_lock' ]; this.observers = { list: [], push: item => { this.observers.list.push( item ); }, disconnect: () => { this.observers.list.forEach( observer => { observer.disconnect(); } ); this.observers.list = []; } }; /** * Set an initial form value. * Can be used e.g. when a field is updated after an AJAX call. * * @param {String} key The key of the value that should be changed in the initial form value array. * @param {Node} input The input field node. * * @returns {void} */ this.setInitialValue = ( key, input ) => { if ( ! input || ! input.value ) { return; } initialFormValues[key] = input.value; }; /** * Collect input values. * Checkboxes are true/false, unless they are part of a group. * Radio buttons have a boolean value on the saved value, only the checked one will be collected. * * @param {FormValues} object * @param {Node} input * @return {FormValues} */ const collectInputValue = function ( object, input ) { /** * Collect checkbox group values. * If there are multiple checkboxes with the same `nome` attribute, collect all values for this group. * * @param {NodeList} group Iterable of inputs with the same `name` attribute. * @return {FormValues} */ const collectCheckboxGroup = ( group ) => { object[group[0].name] = []; group.forEach( input => { if ( input.checked ) { object[input.name].push( input.value ); } } ); return object; }; if ( input.type === 'checkbox' ) { const checkboxGroup = element.querySelectorAll( '[name="' + input.name + '"]' ); if ( checkboxGroup.length > 1 ) { return collectCheckboxGroup( checkboxGroup, input ); } object[input.name] = input.checked; return object; } // if a radio button is not checked, don't collect it. if ( input.type === 'radio' && ! input.checked ) { return object; } object[input.name] = input.value; return object; }; /** * Setup a mutationobserver to check for added and removed form fields. * This especially applies to conditions. * * @type {MutationObserver} */ const addedRemovedObserver = new MutationObserver( mutations => { for ( const mutation of mutations ) { for ( const removedNode of mutation.removedNodes ) { const nodes = document.createTreeWalker( removedNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT ); while ( nodes.nextNode() ) { if ( nodes.currentNode.tagName === 'INPUT' || nodes.currentNode.tagName === 'SELECT' ) { const index = changedFormValues.addedNodes.indexOf( nodes.currentNode.name ); if ( index > - 1 ) { changedFormValues.addedNodes.splice( index, 1 ); } else { changedFormValues.removedNodes.push( nodes.currentNode.name ); } } } } for ( const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes ) { if ( addedNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) { continue; } const nodes = document.createTreeWalker( addedNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT ); while ( nodes.nextNode() ) { if ( nodes.currentNode.tagName === 'INPUT' || nodes.currentNode.tagName === 'SELECT' ) { if ( nodes.currentNode.name === '' ) { continue; } changedFormValues.addedNodes.push( nodes.currentNode.name ); } } } } } ); // attach the mutation observer to the passed element. addedRemovedObserver.observe( element, {childList: true, subtree: true} ); this.observers.push( addedRemovedObserver ); /** * Check if there are inputs that have been changed and if their value is different. * * @param {Object} reference The initial values when the modal loaded, indexed by name attribute. * @param {Object} changed The input values that were changed, indexed by name. * * @return {boolean} */ this.hasChanged = ( reference, changed ) => { for ( const name in changed ) { if ( ! reference.hasOwnProperty( name ) || reference[name].toString() !== changed[name].toString() ) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * If the modal is associated with a form and any values have changed, ask for confirmation to navigate away. * Returns true if the user agrees with termination, false otherwise. * * @param {boolean} reload Whether to reload the page on added and removed nodes (needed for the modal). Default false. * * @return {boolean} */ this.terminationNotice = ( reload = false ) => { if ( ! this.hasChanged( initialFormValues, changedFormValues ) ) { return true; } // ask user for confirmation. if ( window.confirm( window.advadstxt.confirmation ) ) { // if we have added or removed nodes, we might need to reload the page. if ( changedFormValues.addedNodes.length || changedFormValues.removedNodes.length ) { if ( reload ) { window.location.reload(); } return true; } // otherwise, we'll replace the values with the previous values. for ( const name in changedFormValues ) { const input = element.querySelector( '[name="' + name + '"]' ); if ( input === null ) { continue; } if ( input.type === 'checkbox' ) { input.checked = initialFormValues[name]; } else if ( input.type === 'radio' ) { let value = (initialFormValues[name] !== null && initialFormValues[name] !== undefined) ? initialFormValues[name] : input.value; element.querySelector( '[name="' + name + '"][value="' + value + '"]' ).checked = true; } else { input.value = initialFormValues[name]; } } return true; } return false; }; /** * Collect inputs in this modal and save their initial and changed values (if any). */ this.collectValues = () => { const isDialog = element.tagName === 'DIALOG'; element.querySelectorAll( 'input, select, textarea' ).forEach( input => { if ( ! input.name.length || blocklist.includes( input.id ) || blocklist.includes( input.name ) ) { return; } // if the element itself is not a dialog but the input is within a dialog, ignore it. This accounts for split forms, e.g. the placements page where some inputs are hidden in a modal dialog. if ( ! isDialog && input.closest( 'dialog' ) ) { return; } initialFormValues = collectInputValue( initialFormValues, input ); // if the input is `hidden` no change event gets triggered. Use MutationObservers to check for changes in the value attribute. if ( input.type === 'hidden' ) { const hiddenObserver = new MutationObserver( function ( mutations, observer ) { mutations.forEach( mutation => { if ( mutation.attributeName === 'value' ) { mutation.target.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'input' ) ); } } ); } ); hiddenObserver.observe( element, { attributes: true, subtree: true } ); this.observers.push( hiddenObserver ); } input.addEventListener( 'input', event => { changedFormValues = collectInputValue( changedFormValues, input ); } ); } ); }; };